High School Interact Clubs And Rotary Club Of La Jolla Join Forces To Build 21St House In Mexico For Needy Families

By Sally Fuller (LJ Light Article) –

Volunteers from the Interact Club at La Jolla High and The Bishop’s School were joined by members of La Jolla Rotary to build the 21st home for an impoverished family in Tijuana.

You may also read the article HERE on La Jolla Light’s website

The home design is 16x20 feet with a small sleeping loft. The homes are unheated, have no running water and no electricity. — courtesy
The home design is 16×20 feet with a small sleeping loft. The homes are unheated, have no running water and no electricity.
 The non-profit Project Mercy manages all the client-side considerations. Clients are evaluated based upon their family needs, legal rights to the property, and other considerations. To date, Project Mercy has arranged construction of more than 1,500 homes in Tijuana neighborhoods.

The total expense is $4,600 for the building materials, the cement foundation, building supervision and two or three local framing carpenters. An outhouse with a septic tank is an additional $900. Funding comes from generous Rotarians, community members and Interact Club fundraising.

Volunteers need to be in good health and must possess a passport or green card. The build day begins with a rendezvous at Mission Bay Visitor’s Center at 5:30 a.m. The home-build begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends by 4:30-5 p.m. Due to unpredictable border waits, return to the visitor’s center ranges from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. At the end of the day, everyone is tired but happy!

Some people ask is it dangerous? Mexico is a developing country with well-publicized problems and attendant risks to visitors. Construction work is potentially dangerous and precautions are taken to reduce the likelihood of injury.

Plans are to build again in early March and late June. To join the effort, visit rotarycluboflajolla.com and click on “contact us.”

LJ Light Article: La Jolla Rotarians, Realtors and teens polish police storefront

Read article on La Jolla Light website

Interact Club students Tessa Lowe of La Jolla High School and Emily Halaka of University City High School paint a door at the rear of the police storefront.

Jeff Raich of Prudential California Realty and La Jolla Interact student Blake Kirland prepare to plant a donated succulent.

Members of the Rotary Club of La Jolla, the La Jolla Real Estate Brokers’ Association (REBA) and high school students involved in Rotary’s Interact Club brandished brushes, shovels and smiles to paint and landscape a long- neglected police storefront in Pacific Beach Saturday, April 27.

The volunteer effort was in honor of Rotary International’s annual Rotarians at Work Day, which promotes the organization’s concept of ‘service above self.’

Sherry Craycroft digs a hole for an incoming succulent plant. Pat Sherman photos

The building at 4439 Olney St., which also serves police who patrol La Jolla, provides a place for law enforcement and volunteer senior patrol officers to complete paperwork and take meal breaks.

The volunteers planted sod, as well as jade, aloe and other succulent plants donated by Realtor Carol Uribe. The team also painted fascia and window trimming with paint donated by Sherwin Williams. Dewhurst & Associates construction oversaw the entire project, helping line up contractors to install everything from new kitchen cabinets to bathroom fixtures and tile flooring. They include: Chism Brothers, Gold Coast Design, Adept Plumbing, D&N Electric, Dal-Tile, Studio Stratton cabinets and West Coast Drywall & Paint.

“They were unbelievable,” said project coordinator and Rotarian Nancy Gardner of Dewhurst. “They literally got all the sub-contractors involved, most of which volunteered. It was quite an endeavor.”

Rotarian and La Jolla Town Council member Nancy Gardner stands next to a holding pen for police beach cruisers (not people, she assures) inside the newly remodeled police storefront.

San Diego Police Captain Brian Ahearn, with SDPD’s Northern Division, called the renovation “a testament to how much people appreciate their San Diego Police officers.

“No words can express just how appreciative the men and women of SDPD are for the generosity displayed by so many,” Ahearn said. “We will continue to work hard for you. The storefront symbolizes the bond that brings community and police so close to one another. … The community truly stepped up to significantly improve the working conditions for their San Diego Police officers.”

Rotarians, Realtors, the La Jolla Town Council and other La Jollans raised more than $25,000 for the project, Gardner said. Another $24,000 is still needed to purchase new LAN lines and heating and air conditioning.

“It’s truly a community effort until we get it completed,” Gardner said.

— Pat Sherman

LJ Light Article: Rotary Club of La Jolla to host Stars In Our Eyes student talent show on Jan. 25 at La Jolla High’s Parker Auditorium

Stars In Our Eyes 2012The Rotary Club of La Jolla will present “Stars In Our Eyes,” a student talent showcase, 7 p.m., Friday, Jan. 25 at La Jolla High School’s Parker Auditorium.Approximately 125 students from The Bishop’s School, La Jolla Country Day School, La Jolla High School and the Preuss School at UC San Diego will appear in the show, participating in solo and group performances.

Tickets are $25 — or $10 for students and seniors — with proceeds going to college scholarships for students attending La Jolla high schools, including those who perform. There will also be an art show and personal performances to showcase talented students, teachers and Rotarians.

For more information, visit StarsInOurEyes.com

LJ Article: Young Rotarians Build 17th Home

Interact Members Build 17th Home for Tijuana Family

(Read article on La Jolla Light website)

Members of Interact service clubs at The Bishop’s School and La Jolla High built a home for a family in Tijuana. Courtesy Photo

Members of Rotary’s youth Interact community service clubs at The Bishop’s School and La Jolla High, along with their parents and three members of Rotary Club of La Jolla, constructed a new home for an impoverished Tijuana family Oct. 27. The home replaced the family’s dirt-floor shelter.

Rotary volunteers assembled the wood frame home in seven hours, from the first nail to completion, which included paint and a matching dog house for the family pet.

About $3,900 in building materials was raised by Interact students, La Jollans and the Rotary Club of La Jolla. It was the 17th home constructed by the two Interact clubs during the past five years.

Interact clubs are high school student community service organizations sponsored and led by local Rotary clubs.

To contribute to the clubs’ home-building fund, contact Cal Mann at (858) 336-2557 or e-mail calmann@mac.com


Rotarians have Olympic-sized fun at annual League House picnic (LJ Light Article)

League House Summer Picnic 2012Borrowing the Summer Olympics-theme and sporting their red-white-and-blues, Rotary Club of La Jolla hosted its ninth annual summer picnic for retired community members, 3-7 p.m. Sunday, July 29 at the League House, 7465 Olivetas Drive. The seniors relaxed and mingled over games and prizes, laughs and food, all organized by Penny Shurtleff and committee, with décor designed by Laurnie Durisoe. See more photos at lajollalight.com
Photos by Susan DeMaggio


See the original La Jolla Light article HERE

WELCOME…to Rotary Club of La Jolla’s NEW website!

Powered by WordPress, the leading content-management system (CMS) and built by Edward A. Sanchez of La Jolla’s own Brass Ring Multimedia, the new website is a great tool with the potential to significantly raise Rotary’s profile on the web, bringing Rotary’s message and mission of “service above self” to a larger audience.

Ryan Sutton's "Bird Rock At Night" image is 2011's winner of La Jolla Historical Society's student photo contest
Ryan Sutton’s “Bird Rock At Night.” 2011’s winner of La Jolla Historical Society’s student photo contest

Additionally, we plan to make this site a much more useful informational point for members of Rotary Club of La Jolla. News of recent events, advanced notice of upcoming activities, comments & commentary from members, better access to current membership information and more will be at your fingertips here on the new improved website.

On an aesthetic note, we’re fortunate and grateful to have some fine images from local photographers which convey the beauty of our La Jolla. Our thanks to Leon Chow of C&H Photo on Fay Avenue and Michael Mishler of La Jolla Historical Society along with the photographers themselves for helping greatly in making the site look great.

Bookmark the site and make a point of checking back from time to time to see what’s new and what’s happening!