Surf Beat: March 8th, 2016: Special Edition!




Surf Beat LogoMarch 8th, 2016 – Special Edition! Rotary Goes to Haiti!



Lora Fisher, David Brockett, Charles Hartford, David Weston, Susan Stevens with son and daughter, Trent and Halley Stevens, Pat Stouffer with wife Fran and daughter Gwen Allen, Ken King with employee Josh Lawson and Fredrick Clerie, founder of HopeStart, Int. as our guide.  We had a total of 13 in our group.  Trent interviewed each participant and will be working on a documentary.


On our way to the airport!


From Susan Stevens:  The Haiti trip and what I experienced will stay with me forever.  I truly enjoyed traveling there, mostly because the people who made up our group were so fantastic and inspiring.  Nothing about the stay in Haiti was easy, but it was fun to share it with fellow travelers who were cheerful with all the discomforts and mindful of cultural differences.  Even being crammed into a dirty van with a group of sweaty, tired people is a fond memory.  Although I wasn’t qualified to do the harder parts of the construction I hope I did my part, and felt proud of what we had accomplished.

One of the highlights on the trip for me was meeting the children at the orphanage.  Their energy and enthusiasm made all our efforts worth it.  Lora brought a suitcase filled with new shoes in various sizes for both boys and girls.  What fun it was to help them find a pair that fit!  They were so delighted to be walking and running in brand new sandals.  And they were so eager to play with the new soccer balls we had supplied!  We engaged them in rounds of soccer, volleyball, basketball and throwing around a baseball. And they loved the books and new school supplies.

I love visualizing all of the children in their new environment. The property they will be moving to is beautiful and has a cooling ocean breeze.  The buildings they will be living and learning in are new and clean.  And a playground is in the planning stages.  Frederick and his organization are doing wonderful, life changing work for those children.

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David Brockett and David Weston pondering new career options

From David Weston: The principal mission of our La Jolla Rotary trip to Haiti was to assist in the construction of HopeStart’s new children’s home, and I believe we accomplished this mission capably . . . our Rotary team successfully constructed a very large chicken coop, and laid the floor tile in nearly all of the children’s dormitory (my geriatric — and still aching — knees and back remind me of my participation in the floor tileathon).  Our Rotary team took pride in this construction work, and its completion certainly was fulfilling. However, every bit as fulfilling to me was the oportunity to join my fellow Rotarians (including members of our extended Rotary family) in purposeful, collaberative effort.  To a person, the members of our Rotary team worked cooperatively, competently and with good spirits (high heat and humidity could easily have daunted these good spirits, but did not).  When we were not working, we chatted, laughed, joked and generally became better friends with one another.  From start to finish we were cohesive and focused, but, in addition, by the end our ties of friendship were noticably warmer and closer.  Such are the rewards of Rotarians working together in service to others.

From Pat Stouffer: Speaking for myself and Fran, the Haiti trip was a great experience, with all our goals accomplished, plus a few others. Lots of advanced planning really paid off and our days and nights were very busy and productive.

We began by attending a Rotary meeting with the Port au Prince Rotary Club on the evening of our arrival. After spending the night in Port au Prince, we departed early the next morning for our 1 hour light plane flight to Jeremie, where we landed on a nice dirt airstrip. We were picked up and taken to our hotel, had lunch, and went right to work. The workers at the orphanage were ready for us and had the slab already poured and the lumber on site. My initial expectation was that we could have the roof on by that evening, everyone jumped in and we did it.

Frederick was quite surprised at our progress and asked me if I knew how to do anything else, such as tile work or cabinets. We went to the nearly completed children’s dormitory where the two sleeping rooms needed tile laid on the floors. All the material was on site, and we broke up into two teams the following morning, with me leading the tile team and Ken leading the coop builders. The tile team consisted of Dave Weston, Charles Hartford and myself on the 2nd day. I laid out the floor, snapped guide lines, gave Charles and David a quick primer on laying tile and turned them loose. The entry area of the dormitory had some tile installed, but was incomplete, as there was no tile saw on site. I saw the Haitian workers using a disc grinder with a diamond blade cutting blocks, “problem solved”. I was able to use that to cut the tile, and cut all the missing tiles necessary to complete the entry area.

I estimate the room was about 320 sq. ft. in size.

The following day, I borrowed Josh from the coop team, and we began laying tile in room two, which we were able to complete by noon.

There were three young Americans working at the orphanage, Casey, Dan, and Quintin. All three were very helpful and positive, they were invaluable to us, helping our interactions with the Haitians, most of whom did not speak English.

I told Charles that since he was with the 1st Ranger Battalion and I was with the 4th Air Commando Squadron, I was dubbing us “Tile Team 1”

As a guy who has been involved in construction for many years, I can vouch for how physically demanding laying tile is, and Charles, David and Josh attacked it with great energy. Gwen even got into the act on our last day, actually laying the “golden spike”, our last tile that fit perfectly where the two floors met.

Our hotel was good by 3rd world standards, no hot water, (Lora noted early in the trip that “they don’t heat the hot water in Haiti”. The air conditioning (those of us that had a working unit) only worked at night. We ate breakfast and dinner at the hotel, buffet style, no two meals were alike and we didn’t always know exactly what it was. The fellowship in the evenings was fantastic, we all learned new things about each other, it was a great team spirit. There will be stories told for many years to come about this trip and project.

We also took a trip downtown in Jeremie and toured the central square area as well as the open street market. Frankly, I was reminded of Southeast Asia in the mid 60’s. Lots of Chinese motorcycles, young men standing around idle, unpaved streets and dilapidated buildings.


Our evening cocktail hour prior to dinner.  One of the things we all enjoyed about this trip was the fellowship.  We truly had a great group. Casey, who lead our construction team, is from Georgia and had the best southern drawl.  We all enjoyed his positive attitude and larger-than-life smile. His wife prepared our lunches, which were truly a treat and delicious!    Lora and Fredrick reading an English/Creole book with the children.  All of the older children could read and were learning English.





The Catholic church in the center of town in Jeremie. There were multiple churches and denominations in the area. Walking through the market was an eye-opening experience of the true poverty in Haiti.




These stands are filled with charcoal and then pot on top for cooking. Chicken fingers anyone?

Meeting with Rotary Club Port-au-Price Champs de Mars



On Thursday morning, we flew from Port-au-Prince to Jeremie on two small charter planes.  
Haiti’s coastline is magnificent and the water was a beautiful turquoise blue.
We had a safe and easy landing on the dirt runway.  The runway was clear of goats and other livestock that grazes near the airport.





Chicken coop construction began Thursday after our arrival.  The foundation had been poured the week prior and we were set to go.  The project was completed in a day and a half.  




Gwen Allen, Pat and Fran Stouffer’s daughter




Casey was the construction supervisor. He is from Georgia and was a pleasure to work with.







We took 50 soccer balls with us to Haiti that were donated by Mac Millar from his “Play it Forward” foundation (check out

Photos at the bottom are from the HopeStart Children’s home.  The soccer balls were a huge hit with children and adults.  We gave soccer balls to the workers at the building site.  Their demeanor had been very serious most of the time we were there,  but once they had the soccer balls everyone of them lit up and had big smiles and started playing.  It was amazing to see their joy and love of soccer.

Haley Stevens posing with the balls
Haley Stevens posing with the balls
Young man at our hotel that was playing with other kids in the parking lot (note the one shoe, his opponent was wearing the other shoe).
Young man at our hotel that was playing with other kids in the parking lot (note the one shoe, his opponent was wearing the other shoe).



The children’s home was scheduled to have been finished prior to our arrival and we were supposed to do the painting.  Unfortunately, the children’s home is a few weeks behind schedule,  but that created an opportunity for several of our Rotarians to put their DIY skills to work.  With Pat Stouffer’s guidance, Dave Weston, Charles Hartford and Gwen Allen were able to tile the two main bedrooms of the home.




Dave Weston pondering is heretofore unrealized talents.
Dave Weston pondering his heretofore unrealized talents.






Visiting the Children’s Home. We spent several hours at the home and truly enjoyed our time with the children.  

When we arrived at the current Children’s home the kids sang a welcome song to us
Lora Fisher and Susan Stevens fitted the children with the shoes that we brought.


The kids got a kick out of blowing up doc Brockett’s gloves and used as balloons.


The children’s home currently holds 22 children.
Fran Stouffer enjoyed reading with the children.
We played soccer, volleyball and basketball with the kids.


Doc David Brockett gave each child a dental exam.




A great trip and ready to head home!





Missed From Last Week!

Some thoughts from the Rotary Club of Metropolitan Honolulu shared by John Hoss:
Do We Remember?

1966: Long hair
2016: Longing for hair

1966: KEG
2016: EKG

1966: Acid rock
2016: Acid reflux

1966: Moving to California because it’s cool
2016: Moving to Arizona because it’s warm

1966: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor
2016: Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor

1966: Seeds and stems
2016: Roughage

1966: Hoping for a BMW
2016: Hoping for a BM

1966: Going to a new, hip joint
2016: Receiving a new hip joint

1966: Rolling Stones
2016: Kidney Stones

1966: Screw the system
2016: Upgrade the system

1966: Disco
2016: Costco

1966: Parents begging you to get your hair cut
2016: Children begging you to get their heads shaved

1966: Passing the drivers’ test
2016: Passing the vision test

1966: Whatever
2016: Depends


RYLA logo floating

RYLA is coming and facilitators are needed. We are looking for Rotarians who are motivated to make a real difference in the lives of top High School juniors at Idyllwild Pines April 15-17th. We provide great students, accommodations, motivational speakers, leadership activities, gourmet (sort of) meals, and…possibly the most rewarding single experience you’ll have as a Rotarian. You provide enthusiasm, a positive attitude and the desire to make a difference in a student’s life.

Facilitator orientation is mandatory and will be held on Sat. 3/26 (site TBD) from 8-12 noon. Female applicants are especially welcome because we always have more girls than boys participate.

Starting this year, there will be no cost to your club for your participation as a facilitator. Please click the following link to view the application and be prepared for an amazing Rotary experience.

Where in the World? 


Bill Burch correctly answered last weeks Where in the World photo taken by President Lora Fisher in Haiti.  He identified Pat Stouffer, who was in the picture, along with other Rotarians building the chicken coop in Haiti.

If you have an interesting travel photo of yourself in a recognizable destination you would like to submit for the game please send it to: Photos do not have to be recent, older pictures are welcome!  All submissions will be considered, international and domestic! May the best globetrotter win!

Please keep the photographs coming, recent or not, in far distance places or not . . . La Jolla Rotarians go to interesting places and do interesting things, and it is fun (and sometimes challenging) for us to keep up with each other’s doings.

Check Out this Weeks News Bits. Click the Logo Below


Club Meetings Unless otherwise noted, all club meetings are Tuesday, 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. at La Valencia Hotel, 1132 Prospect St., La Jolla (Map)  Check out the Upcoming Guest Speakers on the Club Calendar


                      Upcoming Events

  • Click here to visit the district website. 


Rotary Club of La Jolla is one of sixty clubs in the San Diego area’s Rotary District 5340 and one of the 34,000 clubs that make up our parent organization,

Published weekly by Rotary Club of La Jolla Visit our club website: Friend us on Facebook Questions/Issues/Feedback: Contributors: Lora Fisher, Diane Salisbury, David Shaw, Patrick StoufferEditor: Susan Farrell



To receive Surf Beat each week, click the “subscribe” button above.Looking for a past issue?  Surf Beat Archive has all online editions since July 2013.Submissions to Surf Beat are welcome and appreciated.* * * *  Subscribe

Surf Beat: March 1st, 2016




Surf Beat LogoMarch 1st, 2016

Our traveling Rotarians arrived Wednesday in Haiti, and were able to begin their stay by joining a meeting of the Rotary Club of Port au Prince, Champ de Mars, which met -- conveniently -- at the Hotel Le Plaza, where they were staying. The meeting kicked off with the Four-Way Test, followed by an introduction from each Rotarian. An added bonus was having Rotaract students in attendance. Since this is Haiti, the meeting was conducted in French, with Fredrick Clerie serving as interpreter.
Our traveling Rotarians arrived Wednesday in Haiti, and were able to begin their stay by joining a meeting of the Rotary Club of Port au Prince, Champ de Mars, which met — conveniently — at the Hotel Le Plaza, where they were staying. The meeting kicked off with the Four-Way Test, followed by an introduction from each Rotarian. An added bonus was having Rotaract students in attendance. Since this is Haiti, the meeting was conducted in French, with Fredrick Clerie serving as interpreter.

 A Few Highlights from our Club Meeting:wh-4p-rgb

Welcome: President Lora Fisher welcomed club members and guests.

Invocation: Chuck Marsh: “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” – Abraham Lincoln

Pledge: Cindy Greatrex

Song: Mark Christopher with an original composition, “The ‘Tail’ of Chicken Coop Isle,” sung to the tune of “Gilligan’s Island” theme song.

Chuck Marsh
Chuck Marsh
Mark Christopher
Mark Christopher


The Club Welcomed…

  • Paul Michelson, retired ophthalmologist, was a guest of David Shaw.
  • Anu Delouri and Robert Clossin , today’s guest speakers.
  • Dirk Harris, a financial advisor with Alphacore Capital, was a guest of Camille McKinnie.
  • Nile El Wardani, recently returned to La Jolla after 30 years of living in Egypt where she was active in Rotary, was a guest of Charles Hartford.
  • Sook Hansen, was a guest of Sally Fuller.
  • Eddie Dovigi, a premed student who is working with Dr. Jane Reldan.
  • Dale Ganzow, was a visiting Rotarian from San Diego downtown Rotary Club.
  • Leonard Barbosa, who works at City National Bank.


Lora Fisher reminded the club that we will be “dark” next Tuesday as we welcome Kiwanis Club of La Jolla as our lunch guests on Friday, March 11 in our annual joint meeting.

Report from Sasebo, Japan:

Cal Mann

Cal Mann, fresh from his trip to Sasebo Rotary, our sister club, presented slides and a few highlights of his trip and information about the club. Cal noted that the Sasebo Rotary was started in 1951 and, unlike its U.S. counterparts, remains an all-male club. Its membership is comprised of 75 prominent businessmen, and it is primarily a club for business networking with less emphasis on community service. They have been our sister club since 1986. Cal relayed how gracious club hosts were and encouraged us to consider a visit to Japan. He feels there will be future opportunities to expand our relationship with the Sasebo Club, and expects visitors from the Club to come to the U.S. to play golf and visit La Jolla Rotary in the near future. Lora Fisher says we will dedicate the next Tijuana home build to our sister club.

Happy Bucks:

 Cindy Greatrex spins President Lora's Wheel of Misfortune, which has returned as mysteriously as it disappeared.
Cindy Greatrex spins President Lora’s Wheel of Misfortune, which has returned as mysteriously as it disappeared.
  • Cindy Greatrex was fined for appearing in the newspaper in an article about upcoming elections to the Planning Committee. Noting the elections as an important community event, she gladly spun the Wheel of Misfortune, and her own fortune is now $75 lighter.
Jane Reldan is happy to share artwork from a recent Mexico trip
Jane Reldan is happy to share artwork from a recent Mexico trip
  • Jane Reldan paid happy bucks for her role in mentoring premed students. She told of her recent trip to Michoacan, Mexico where she was part of an effort by Ecolife to reduce deforestation and loss of Monarch butterfly habitat by providing indigenous populations with eco-friendly wood-burning stoves. Jane showed off a beautifully lacquered copper Menorah purchased in Santa Clara de Cobre, a town that has a seven-member Rotary Club. 
  • Claire Reiss was happy to announce that a statue of Our Lady of Fatima graced her home for two days. The honor was accompanied by services, prayers, and a tangible feeling of peacefulness in her home.


  • Mark Dibella announced that La V took the #7 spot on a list of Top 13 Oceanfront Hotels in a popular online travel magazine.

Club/Committee/Event Announcements:

Dr. David Shaw in a pensive moment
Dr. David Shaw in a pensive moment
  • Charles Hartford passed around a sign-up sheet for the club’s 26th home build, which will be on Saturday, March 26. In response to questions about the day’s schedule, Charles said the group departs at 5:30-6:00am from the Mission Bay Visitor’s Center, then re-gathers at the border so that all cars cross together. Participants can expect to be back in San Diego by 5:30-6:00pm that evening.
  • Craig Schniepp, RYLA chair — lamenting an underwhelming response to last week’s pitch for facilitators for the upcoming three-day RYLA conference — pitched it instead as a weekend getaway to the mountain air and pines of Idyllwild to facilitate leadership training for 275 talented students. The conference is April 15-17 and facilitators are finished by 11:00am on Sunday. Facilitators will need to attend a training session on March 19th from 9am-noon. Those interested in volunteering should contact Craig at
  • Mark Christopher asked for volunteers to run the Four-Way Speech contest in his absence. George Wahab agreed to serve.
Betty Dow shares her wisdom
Betty Dow shares her wisdom

New Inductee

Judy Nelson is happy to pin on her red badge
Judy Nelson is happy to pin on her red badge

Lora Fisher called to the front John Trifiletti and Diane Salisbury to assist with the induction of new Rotary Club member Judy Nelson. Diane will serve as mentor as Judy works toward Blue Badge status.


Speaker: Robert Clossen and Anu Delouri, “UCSD Capital Projects & Planning”

Russell King introduced speakers Robert Clossen, UC San Diego Director of Physical and Community Planning, and Assistant Director Anu Delouri, who is the department’s liaison with local community groups. The speakers gave an overview of the campus’s strategic plan for growth through 2030. The strategic plan was created in 2014 and was designed to meet five goals:

  • Support the education of students
  • Create a diverse campus community
  • Nurture collaborations
  • Drive economic development and cultural engagement
  • Create a sustainable infrastructure

The campus encompasses 1,152 acres that include 300-acres set aside as parkland or natural preserve. Student population is currently 33,700, and growing. The entire campus population is 46,000 – a small city. UCSD’s planning must accommodate expected growth in student enrollment, which includes the goal of providing affordable housing for 50% of the students.

On Their Way…

Lora Fisher closed the meeting with an adieu to the club as she and 13 fellow Rotarians leave tonight on the red-eye flight to Port-au-Prince, Haiti to make a difference. Our Rotarians will build a chicken coop to house 600 egg-laying chickens and fryers to provide much-needed protein to children living in an orphanage. Their goodwill trip also brings school supplies and daily necessities. Godspeed.


President Lora reports that the flights to Haiti went smoothly, and the group landed in Port au Prince Wednesday morning.  She says the travelers had been warned to use hand sanitizer constantly, and especially before meals.
They were also warned to never drink the tap water – don’t even rinse your mouth after teeth brushing. Unfortunately, David Brockett ( a dentist!) was the first to forget this important rule while brushing his teeth. Being nobody’s fool, Dr. Brockett was quick to mitigate any potential problems, and took a quick swish of rum (medicinal purposes only) and then another shot for insurance.  Just making sure all hands are healthy for building the coop in Jeremie!  ”

Travel Map
Loading up for Jeremie, Haiti.
Rotarians ready to roll in Haiti!
Street scenes along the road to Jeremie



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President-elect Ken King and President Lora Fisher know how to celebrate an arrival
Apparently the entire party of Rotarians knows how to celebrate



RYLA logo floating

RYLA is coming and facilitators are needed. We are looking for Rotarians who are motivated to make a real difference in the lives of top High School juniors at Idyllwild Pines April 15-17th. We provide great students, accommodations, motivational speakers, leadership activities, gourmet (sort of) meals, and…possibly the most rewarding single experience you’ll have as a Rotarian. You provide enthusiasm, a positive attitude and the desire to make a difference in a student’s life.

Facilitator orientation is mandatory and will be held on Sat. 3/26 (site TBD) from 8-12 noon. Female applicants are especially welcome because we always have more girls than boys participate.

Starting this year, there will be no cost to your club for your participation as a facilitator. Please click the following link to view the application and be prepared for an amazing Rotary experience.

Where in the World? 


Where In The World is this Rotarian and who is he or she? Be the first to indentify your fellow Rotarian and the location to win.  Please send your answer to

Last week’s La Jolla Treasure Hunt winner was the esquire Bob Teaff. Bob, learned man that he is, recognized the strong geometric pattern created to support the weight of the very top-heavy Geisel Library’s on the UCSD campus. Constructed in 1980 at a cost of $5 million, this library is among the San Diego’s most recognizable buildings.

If you have an interesting travel photo of yourself in a recognizable destination you would like to submit for the game please send it to: Photos do not have to be recent, older pictures are welcome!  All submissions will be considered, international and domestic! May the best globetrotter win!

Please keep the photographs coming, recent or not, in far distance places or not . . . La Jolla Rotarians go to interesting places and do interesting things, and it is fun (and sometimes challenging) for us to keep up with each other’s doings.

Check Out this Weeks News Bits. Click the Logo Below


From The Pages of:


March 2016 Edition

the-rotarian-Goodwill Games

Goodwill Games

The fierce July sun beat down on us as we approached the field where the match was to take place. It wasn’t much of a soccer pitch, with its uneven terrain and rusty poles for goalposts, but the local teens we had met came ready to play. They guided us over the piles of bricks and broken tiles that separate their neighborhood community center from the field behind it and took their positions.

Much like any schoolyard competitors, incursions from grazing cows notwithstanding, players stretched and warmed up, took turns retrieving out-of-bounds balls, and, after the final goal, lined up to exchange high-fives. The Vietnamese contingent handily outscored our group of American Rotary volunteers, but the defeat was far from bitter. The five Rotarians, four Interactors, and two 20-something alumni of Rotary Youth Leadership Awards had already achieved what they had come to Vietnam to do: distribute durable soccer balls to promote play and to spread Rotary’s message of service and goodwill.

The community center sits on the outskirts of Hoi An, a resort town on the South China Sea. Orange and fuchsia bougainvillea blossoms spill over stalls selling scarves and spices at one of Vietnam’s oldest marketplaces, and along the banks of the Thu Bon River, food vendors serve aromatic pho (noodle soup) and banh mi (sandwiches). By night, tourists dine under glowing silk lanterns at the seaside restaurants and hotels.


You can read more Here.

Club Meetings Unless otherwise noted, all club meetings are Tuesday, 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. at La Valencia Hotel, 1132 Prospect St., La Jolla (Map)  Check out the Upcoming Guest Speakers on the Club Calendar


                      Upcoming Events

  • Click here to visit the district website. 


Rotary Club of La Jolla is one of sixty clubs in the San Diego area’s Rotary District 5340 and one of the 34,000 clubs that make up our parent organization,

Published weekly by Rotary Club of La Jolla Visit our club website: Friend us on Facebook Questions/Issues/Feedback: Contributors: Lora Fisher, Diane Salisbury, David Shaw, Patrick StoufferEditor: Susan Farrell



To receive Surf Beat each week, click the “subscribe” button above.Looking for a past issue?  Surf Beat Archive has all online editions since July 2013.Submissions to Surf Beat are welcome and appreciated.* * * *  Subscribe