Surf Beat : February 23rd, 2016

Surf Beat LogoFebruary 23rd, 2016

Ron Spelman and Sally Fuller lead a spirited version of (drum roll) ‘God Bless America’

 A Few Highlights from our Club Meeting:


Welcome: President Lora Fisher welcomed club members and guests, promising today’s meeting would look back at the past and also into the future

Invocation: Burton Housman

Pledge: Don Lincoln

Song: Sally Fuller with the help of Ron Spelman carried forth with “God Bless America”

Don Lincoln leads the pledge.
Don Lincoln leads the pledge.


A step into the future and look at the past:

Cal Mann checking in live from Japan.
Cal Mann checking in live from Japan.

   Cal Mann Skyped into the meeting from Tokyo, Japan (and 17 hours into the future!) to report on his visit with our sister club in Sasebo, Japan. He described an action-packed weekend of sight-seeing, meetings, and a celebratory cabaret show including six-course dinner in honor of the club’s 75th anniversary. He admitted — after questioning from Rotarians – that there may have been some karaoke.

Cal extended an invitation to Sasebo Rotary members to join us stateside when La Jolla Rotary celebrates its upcoming 70th anniversary. The opportunity to play golf at the La Jolla Country Club is apparently a strong incentive to visit our club. See Cal’s ‘Report from Sasebo’ below.

   Lora asked club members to take a walk down memory lane as she recalled historical events that took place on today’s date. A few historical highlights were the Dow closing above 4,000 for the first time (1995), mass inoculation against polio using the Salk vaccine (1954), and the first Rotary Club meeting held on this day in 1905 by four men who gathered at the Unity Building in Chicago.

Susan Farrell pointed out, in honor of her late Marine father-in-law, who took part in the Battle for Iwo Jima, that this was also the day in 1945 that the Marines raised the U.S. flag on Mt. Suribachi.


The Club Welcomed…

  • Kyle Thomas, who is with Wells Fargo and also a life coach, was a guest of Judy Nelson. Sook Hansen, was a guest of Sally Fuller.
  • Annette King is the new Executive Manager of the La Jolla YMCA and came as a guest of Sue Ball.
  • Jenny Eastwood was a guest of Cindy Goodman.
  • Dirk Harris, a financial advisor who recently located to Bird Rock from Indiana, was a guest of Camille McKinnie.
  • Dale Smith is in Wells Fargo private lending and came as a guest of Carlos Gutierrez. Ted Butterfield joined us from Lions Gate Rotary in North Vancouver, British Columbia.

  Happy Bucks:

  • Ken King announced that he recently attended president-elect training and gave $20 in happy bucks in honor of President Lora Fisher’s birthday, which was on February 21.
  • Lora Fisher suggested that Mark Dibella should pay happy bucks not only for appearing in the newspaper but for La Valencia making the Top 10 Places to Visit in San Diego list in a recent issue of USA Today.
  • Pat Stouffer was happy to announce that his Country Western band, The Silver Spurs, will be playing at Tower 13 in Cardiff on February 24 from 7-10pm.
  • Dave Weston acknowledged Mark Dibella’s achievements at La V, and gave kudos to Mark for joining our Rotary and being an active member of our club as well as the La Jolla community.
  • Charles Hartford gave happy bucks to thank Ken King’s company, San Diego Pools, for its ongoing support of his kids’ baseball team. And the name of the team? Duh. San Diego Pools!

Club/Committee/Event Announcements:

  • Craig Schniepp, RYLA chair, is in need of volunteers to facilitate the three-day RYLA Conference from April 15-17. In addition to the weekend commitment, facilitators will need to attend a four-hour training session on March 19th from 9am-noon.
  • Charles Hartford asked members to sign up for the next Tijuana home build. He especially encouraged those who have never participated in a home build before to give it a try. It will take place on March 26th and will be – wait for it – our 26th home build.

65th Anniversary of Sasebo Rotary Club
Sasebo Rotary Club, La Jolla Rotary Club’s sister club in Sasebo Japan, celebrated the 65th anniversary of its founding.  On Sunday in Sasebo, a fitting celebration was held for nearly 150 Rotarians, family and friends. In attendance representing La Jolla Rotary were Hiroshi Yoshida and Cal Mann.  The anniversary event included an hour of recognition of past presidents and honored guests before a sumptuous multi-course meal and then a rousing musical dance performance by local troupe.   Bookending the anniversary fest were sightseeing opportunities and plenty of Rotarian fellowship.  Sasebo Rotarians expressed significant interest in visiting La Jolla as we celebrate our club’s 70th year in April of 2017.


Speaker: Mark Dibella’s, “Enhance La Jolla”

Rotarian, and La Valencia General Manager Mark Dibella explains details of the proposed La Jolla Village Maintenance Assessment District.
President-elect Ken King introduces the day’s speaker.

Ken King introduced speaker Mark Dibella who informed the club about plans to create a Maintenance Assistance District (MAD) for La Jolla. Problems a MAD would address for La Jolla residents and businesses include improved maintenance of the village’s infrastructure; offering a point of coordination/integration for the maintenance needs of existing civic

organizations such as La Jolla Merchant’s Association, LJ Town Council, LJ Planning Association; re-establishing La Jolla’s identity as the “jewel” of San Diego and countering UTC’s marketing efforts to co-opt La Jolla’s brand.

Dibella noted that the important thing for him in chairing the MAD effort, “Is that we are organized and transparent.”

With hoped-for broad representation from the community, immediate goals are:

The proposed "MAD" in the Village.
The proposed “MAD” in the Village.
  • Establish a MAD for the Village area of La Jolla along the boundaries of the current Business Improvement District.
  • Create a MAD management structure (board of directors comprised of business owners, residents, members of La Jolla civic organizations)
  • Raise private money through La Jolla Community Foundation to leverage MAD investments; anticipate annual budget of approximately $500K
  • Support capital improvement projects

Creation of a Maintenance Assistance District would require approval of La Jolla residents and businesses. It would be supported on an ongoing basis through fees charged to residential and business property owners. IMG_0356


“When you form a MAD, the first parcel owner that will always vote ‘yes’ is the City of San Diego, because they own property here,” Dibella said. He said the city’s annual fees will be about $50,000, which the MAD can spend as it pleases. The La Valencia, which is the firth-largest parcel in the Village, would pay a yearly fee of $8,900.

As he wrapped up his presentation, Dibella told Rotarians, “If we don’t do anything, it’s not going to get any better.”


Top 10 Places to Visit San Diego!

La Jolla Made the List. Check it Out!


RYLA logo floating

RYLA is coming and facilitators are needed. We are looking for Rotarians who are motivated to make a real difference in the lives of top High School juniors at Idyllwild Pines April 15-17th. We provide great students, accommodations, motivational speakers, leadership activities, gourmet (sort of) meals, and…possibly the most rewarding single experience you’ll have as a Rotarian. You provide enthusiasm, a positive attitude and the desire to make a difference in a student’s life.

Facilitator orientation is mandatory and will be held on Sat. 3/26 (site TBD) from 8-12 noon. Female applicants are especially welcome because we always have more girls than boys participate.

Starting this year, there will be no cost to your club for your participation as a facilitator. Please click the following link to view the application and be prepared for an amazing Rotary experience.


La Jolla Treasure Hunt:


It’s treasure hunting time at Surf Beat. Are you ready?   Be the first person to correctly identify the location where the above photo was taken. Correct answers must be emailed to:  The winner will receive recognition in next week’s Surf Beat!  LJ Treasure Hunt spotlights the hidden gem locations in La Jolla. If you have a suggested location, take a photo or send a note to – previous treasure hunt locations can be found by exploring the Surf Beat archive beginning with the March 6, 2014 edition.   

Mail Attachment

Check Out this Weeks News Bits. Click the Logo Below


From The Pages of:


February 2016 Edition


Keeping a Lid of Cancer in Sri Lanka

When the Rotary Club of Colombo, Sri Lanka, launched the National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Center in 2004, the clinic operated in a small, rented house staffed by a volunteer doctor and two nurses. Services were basic but effective – physical exams and ultrasound to detect breast cancer and Pap tests to screen for cervical cancer. All services were free, and word spread fast among the lower-income patients the center hoped to attract. Run in partnership with the National Cancer Control Programme of the government’s Ministry of Health, it was (and still is) the only national facility dedicated to the early detection of three of the more treatable cancers: breast, cervical, and oral.

Colombo Rotarians planned to expand the project quickly, but resources had to be diverted to relief and rebuilding efforts after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The catalyst for the cancer detection center’s growth didn’t come until several years later, when members of the Rotary Club of Birmingham, Ala., met (now RI President) K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran during his visit to Alabama as chair of the country’s Schools Reawakening tsunami relief project. After his Birmingham visit, Ravindran invited Alabama Rotarians to Sri Lanka. That’s when they learned about the center.

You can read more Here.

Club Meetings Unless otherwise noted, all club meetings are Tuesday, 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. at La Valencia Hotel, 1132 Prospect St., La Jolla (Map)  Check out the Upcoming Guest Speakers on the Club Calendar


                      Upcoming Events

  • Click here to visit the district website. 


Rotary Club of La Jolla is one of sixty clubs in the San Diego area’s Rotary District 5340 and one of the 34,000 clubs that make up our parent organization,

Published weekly by Rotary Club of La Jolla Visit our club website: Friend us on Facebook Questions/Issues/Feedback: Contributors: Lora Fisher, Diane Salisbury, David Shaw, Patrick StoufferEditor: Susan Farrell



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