Guest Speaker: March 22nd, 2016: Autism Tree Project Foundation (ATPF)

Founded in 2003 Autism Tree Project Foundation (ATPF) is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving communities in San Diego County by assisting with Education, Advocacy, Early Intervention Preschool Screening, Research and Mentoring for families impacted by autism.

ATPF provides free Early Intervention Preschool Screenings to over 2,000 youth annually with 10,051 preschoolers screened to date since 2006.

ATPF’s Youth Education and Developmental Services coordinates and provides 19 FREE intensive programs, designed to engage youth with autism in a variety of services which aim at improving their confidence, behaviors and their social communications.

Every family tree is touched by autism. If you don’t know someone with autism you will. Autism affects 1 in 50 school aged children, ages 6-17.

*Center for Disease Control & Prevention, 2013.

Surf Beat: January 26th, 2016



Surf Beat LogoJanuary 26th, 2016

Past President Bill Burch subbed in for during President Lora's absence."
Past President Bill Burch subbed in for during President Lora’s absence.”

 A Few Highlights from our Club Meeting:


Welcome: Bill Burch, filling in for President Lora Fisher, welcomed club members and guests, noting that La Jolla Rotary is “where we measure every effort we make, and every dollar we spend by how meaningful it will be for the youth, the community and the world.”

Invocation:    Gwyn Jones

Pledge:            Cindy Goodman

Song:               Bob Teaff, after polling the club, led members in “God Bless America”

 Major Gwyn Jones give the invocation
Major Gwyn Jones give the invocation


The Club Welcomed…

  • Jane Reldan’s frequent guest and medical intern, Evelyn Nelson


Apparently blondes do have more fun

  Happy Bucks:

Mark Christopher
Mark Christopher
  • Claude Rosinsky gave happy bucks to congratulate fellow Rotarian Mark Christopher for mention in a recent magazine article that highlighted two of the homes he has designed.
  • Craig Schniepp thanked the many Rotarians who signed up to be RYLA essay readers, and he gave happy bucks to announce his recent move to the La Jolla offices of Berkshire Hathaway.
  • Mark Christopher, acknowledging Claude’s praise and anticipating a fine for appearing in the news, gave a preemptive $20 in happy bucks.




Club/Committee/Event Announcements:

  • Bill Burch reminded members of the February 9th Beer & Wine Tasting at Stone Brewing Company in Liberty Station. The district-wide event begins at 6:00pm with the tasting followed by dinner at 7:00pm. Cost is $55 and includes a Brewery tour. Sign up at
  • Mark Christopher reminded members of the February 3 (5:30 pm-7:00pm) fellowship and business networking event at the San Diego downtown offices of Higgs, Fletcher & Mack (401 West A Street, Suite 2600 – Columbia Center Building). It’s a great way to meet new Rotary friends and business contacts while enjoying the penthouse balcony view of San Diego Harbor. Pizza, munchies and adult and soft beverages will be served. $15 per Rotarian, $7 for Rotaracts.
Zeke Knight
Zeke Knight
  • Zeke Knight says he is happy to be back at Rotary and expressed his appreciation of the ‘drumming’ rally he received upon his return last week. Zeke gave an account of how he and his wife spent the past 16 months away at their New England home in Brooks Pond. The time back East was a return to his roots for Zeke, a sharing and growth experience for he and his wife as a couple, and a reconnection to nature. Zeke encouraged us to avoid developing a “Nature Deficit Disorder. Get involved in nature. It’s good for the soul.”
Cindy Goodman
Cindy Goodman
  • Cindy Goodman discussed a recent Rotarian magazine article about thoughtful giving and also gave an update on a current La Jolla Rotary project with Just In Time Foster Youth. The Club is helping to support a young man, Zachary, who has recently “aged out” of the foster care system. At age 21, Zachary has been helped into his first apartment but he has no furnishings. A wish list includes everything from living room furniture to towels to dishes. Cindy, along with Claire Reiss and Claude Rosinsky will meet with Zachary later today for a shopping spree to outfit his apartment. Cindy passed around a clipboard requesting member support, in cash or kind. SPECIAL NOTE: Before the meeting was over, Dick Woltman pledged $1500 to help with this effort!



Speaker: Cal Mann, Apple and You

Explaining that the “Four Way Speech Contest” had to be postponed until late February, Ken King thanked Cal Mann for filling in on short notice to give an overview of Apple computers as a company. Interesting facts included:

  • First brick-and-mortar store opened in May 2001; today there are 481 stores.
  • Though stores only bring in 1% of total sales, they are about “enhancing the user experience” and creating a “direct relationship with the consumer.”
  • Apple stores have the highest profit per sq. ft. of any retailer in the world.
  • Apple stores see tremendous foot traffic. The Fashion Valley store alone has 25,000 customers a week.
  • Apple store success is about 1) providing concierge-level service, 2) having products on display that actually work (not just demos), and 3) being a fun place to hang out.

Bill Burch concluded the meeting with his own comment on apples, a quote from Pastor Robert Schuller: “Anyone can count the seeds in an apple. But, only God can count the number of apples in a seed.”


This Land is Your Land:

 Jane Reldan had some inquiries from Rotarians after last week’s song, “This Land is Your Land,” as to how the politically “correct” version differed from the politically “incorrect” one. So she dug out both, and offers them for your enjoyment. Singing aloud is at your option.

RYLA logo floating
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) UPDATE
RYLA Chairman, Craig Schniepp, reports that our Rotary district’s annual youth leadership awards program is moving along quickly.  As you may know, these awards recognize more than 250 leading high school juniors from throughout San Diego and Imperial counties.  RYLA award winners receive an all expense paid three day weekend RYLA leadership conference. Held in Idllwild April 15-17, the conference which  will gather all 250 RYLA awardees and than 50 Rotary members to learn valuable leadership skills, to make new friends and to have a great time in a majestic mountain setting.
Our club’s RYLA awardee selection process is designed to provide our La Jolla and Bishop’s School juniors with an experience that mirrors the college application process.  That is, students self-nominate by completing an online application form and they write a short essay.  Both items have a deadline due date which was last Friday.  In total, 23 applications have been received. As next steps, those essays will be read and scored (see volunteer opportunity below) and the students will be personally interviewed.  Both the essay reading and interviews are done by volunteer La Jolla Rotary club members.  Once that process is complete, the RYLA committee reviews each student’s performance and suitability for award selection. After choosing the award winners, all participants will be notified of their selection status.
Rotarians wishing to help by reading and scoring RYLA applicant essays can learn more by viewing: RYLA Essay Reading  Instructions  (Click link)
Our club’s RYLA award winners will join us for a celebration lunch on Tuesday, April 19th. You’ll hear firsthand about their experiences as they’ll be freshly returned from the RYLA conference.
For questions, please contact Craig

Rotary Peace Centers at a Glance

Check Out this Weeks News Bits. Click the Logo Below


From The Pages of:


January 2016 Edition


With more than 25 million people living in and around Seoul, you might think it will be difficult to find green space when you’re visiting for the 2016 Rotary International Convention from 28 May to 1 June. But Koreans are a nature-loving people and they have created numerous escapes from the pavement jungle to hike, bike, swim, and sail.

The broad Han River, which runs through Seoul, provides an easily accessible respite. Ride a bike along the wide trails that hug the river, or hop on a ferry or rent a boat for a leisurely cruise. The parks along the Han range from manicured gardens to wetlands, with spectacular views of the river and the skyline.

For a piece of history visit Bugaksan Mountain, which rises behind the presidential residence, the Blue House. The trail was closed for 40 years after North Korean commandos climbed the mountain in an attempt to assassinate the South Korean president and was reopened in 2006.

Seoul Olympic Park remains a popular destination. This is no small city park; it houses six stadiums and a huge wooded area. An outdoor art gallery holds more than 200 sculptures.

If you’re traveling with kids, stop at Seoul Children’s Grand Park, which houses a zoo, a botanic garden, a water playground, a musical fountain, and an amusement park – everything to keep the little ones entertained for the day.

Register for the 2016 RI Convention in Seoul at .


Club Meetings Unless otherwise noted, all club meetings are Tuesday, 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. at La Valencia Hotel, 1132 Prospect St., La Jolla (Map)  Check out the Upcoming Guest Speakers on the Club Calendar

Mail Attachment

RI President K.R. Ravindran and Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Ray Klinginsmith have announced a series of Presidential Conferences in the first quarter of calendar 2016 that will highlight Rotary’s areas of focus. Between January and March 2016, five conferences will be held around the world.

The first of thee Presidential Conferences is The Rotary World Peace Conference 2016.  It will be held in Ontario, CA. on January 15 – 16, 2016.  It is the only Presidential Conference that will be held in the Americas.

Now is the time to make your reservation for this conference.  Because it is scheduled to precede the International Assembly that brings District Governor elects to San Diego for mandatory training, this conference will have visitors from around the world.  If you have never been to an international meeting, this is your chance to participate in an international event without having to cross any borders.  This conference is being sponsored by the Rotary districts in Southern California.

To view the latest information about the schedule of events as listed in the Peace Conference Newsletter, click this link

To view the invitation from RI President K.R.Ravindran and Ray Klinginsmith, Chair, The Rotary Foundation Trustees, 2015-2016 click on this link.


                      Upcoming Events

  • Click here to visit the district website. 


Rotary Club of La Jolla is one of sixty clubs in the San Diego area’s Rotary District 5340 and one of the 34,000 clubs that make up our parent organization,

Published weekly by Rotary Club of La Jolla Visit our club website: Friend us on Facebook Questions/Issues/Feedback: Contributors: Lora Fisher, Diane Salisbury, David Shaw, Patrick StoufferEditor: Susan Farrell



To receive Surf Beat each week, click the “subscribe” button above.Looking for a past issue?  Surf Beat Archive has all online editions since July 2013.Submissions to Surf Beat are welcome and appreciated.* * * *  Subscribe

Surf Beat: January 19th,2016



Surf Beat LogoJanuary 19th, 2016


Past President Russell King inducts John Donaldson as a new member, accompanied by his sponsor, Sally Fuller; his mentor, Cindy Greatrex and the membership chair, John Trifiletti.

 A Few Highlights from our Club Meeting:


Zeke Knight is in the house.
Zeke Knight is in the house.
Eleanor Ellsworth has returned to the fold.
Eleanor Ellsworth has returned to the fold.
  • Welcome and Introductions: Meeting called to order by immediate Past President, Russell King, substituting for Presid
    ent Lora Fisher, who is taking care of her grandchildren. He began with the familiar refrain: It’s lunch time on Tuesday, and there’s no better place to be than La Jolla Rotary. It is our 27th Rotary meeting of the y
    ear, and we have 23 more meetings until we wrap up our 2105-2016 Rotary Year. Russell welcomed the return of Rotarians, Eleanor Ellsworth and Zeke Knight whose absence has been noted and whose return was much applauded. He remembered Martin Luther King, whose day we celebrated yesterday, and recalled Web DuBois, Founder of the NAACP; Samuel Battle, the first black member of the New York City Police Department; Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court Justice; Rosa Parks, who refused to give up her seat on an Atlanta bus to a white person; Jackie Robinson, who was the first African-American in Major League Baseball; and Shirley Chisholm, first Black U.S. Representative in Congress.
  • Invocation:Betty Dow, quoting Bil Keane: “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.
  • Pledge: Sue Ball
  • Song: Jane Reldan, This Land is Your Land (the Peter, Paul and Mary “non-political” version)
Jane Reldan
Jane Reldan


Corinne Fleming and Craig Schniepp welcome Rotarians to the La V.
Corinne Fleming and Craig Schniepp welcome Rotarians to the La V.



The Club Welcomed…wh-4p-rgb

  • Karin Donaldson, wife of inductee, John Donaldson
  • Molly Eastling, Karla Marsh’s daughter
  • Gloria Harris from La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary
  • Paula Hodgkin, guest of Pats Stouffer, from First American Trust



  Happy Bucks:

Pat Stouffer makes careful note of the Happy Bucks fund.
Pat Stouffer makes careful note of the Happy Bucks fund.
Jonathan Moffatt
  • New dad (for the third time) Jonathan Moffatt, father of Preston, who weighed in at 10lbs. 6oz! Mother and son are doing well (and mother is learning how to walk again!).
  • Laurnie Durisoe welcomed back Zeke Knight
  • David Shaw acknowledged that his granddaughter, Maya, wrote to Deborah Wiles, the author of Revolution, the story of the Civil Rights movement from the perspective of a white girl growing up in the -South, and received a wonderful letter back from her.
  • Diane Salisbury wanted to share the news that on Saturday, the La Jolla Symphony and Chorus would be holding its 56th Young Artists competition.



Club/Committee/Event Announcements:

Cal Mann
  • Cal Mann attended the Rotary Peace Conference last week with President Lora Fisher. Held in Ontario, California, the conference hosted more than 1,000 Rotarians from across the globe, who came together to learn about how Rotary might serve as a player in promoting World Peace. There were multiple simultaneous sessions. Cal pointed out that “connection” is the vehicle for peace. He demonstrated this [see picture], by having a table of Rotarians rise, join hands, and then be connected to a clear plastic tube that, when touched, flashed colored lights. When two people in the circle broke the connection, the flashing lights stopped!








President-elect Ken King introduced speaker Darryl Anunciado, the founder of Action Drone, a two-year old company that manufactures commercial drones. Ken noted that his first introduction to Darryl was the day a drone flew over his house in La Jolla Shores, and he went into his house to get a gun to shoot it down! When he returned it was gone. The speaker said that he did the flight to introduce himself to Ken King.

Ken King
Ken King

Darryl, a former banker, started to make drones in his house four years ago using parts from remote-controlled airplanes. After realizing that he either had to commit or get out of the business (when he almost burned his house down when a battery caught fire), he borrowed money from his brother and launched the business.

He showed a remarkable video, shot in Puerto Vallarta, taken entirely with his drone(s), showing beach scenes, the surf and Pacific Gray Whales breaching, spouting and playing. The pictures were spectacular. He realized that drones could also be used to do volumetric measurements for construction sites and quarries, by permitting three-dimensional calculations from the number of pixels in a particular volume.

Darryl was ultimately approached by NavAir, headquartered at NAS North Island, to provide drone services for the Navy, a project which is ongoing. He demonstrated for the Mexican Electric Company (CFE) that he could remotely inspect power lines, and has contracts to do that both in Mexico and in the U.S. He’s also shipping drones to Denmark! In South Africa, drones are being used to protect rhinos from poachers.

Darryl said the County of San Diego will begin using drones to map diseases in plants. The benefits of this for farmers could result in a 10% increase in yield, which he noted is a pretty good return on a $10,000 drone.

Of note, the drone is easy to operate – using just a smart phone. Darryl said it has a “follow me” program, where it can be told to hover above while your walking down the street, which he admitted, was a bit weird.

He answered a variety of questions, including clarifying that: 1. It is illegal to shoot down a drone! 2. Drones are not currently regulated by the FAA (which is working on regulations). 3. Many municipalities prohibit drone over flights.


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In The News! 

Proud to have Rotary as well as The Salvation Army on the list of top 10 charities.

The Top 10 Charities Changing the World in 2015

Check Out this Weeks News Bits. Click the Logo Below


From The Pages of:


January 2016 Edition


Culture: Catch my Meaning?

I don’t remember exactly when the menu at Starbucks started bothering me, but it must have been almost the first time I stepped into one. It wasn’t the range of products or the drinks themselves – which I enjoyed. It was the names of three coffee sizes: tallgrande, and venti, otherwise known as “small, medium, and large.”

For years I engaged in a kind of guerrilla campaign of not using them.

“I’ll take a large, please.”


“Yes, large, thank you.”

This was petty and annoying, I know, but I couldn’t help myself. I wasn’t even sure why it irked me, until I realized it was something quite simple: a flagrant disregard for meaning, the notion that you can take a word and bend it to your own purposes. To make a small into a tall felt like a glimpse of a world where people could buy a word, gut it, then fill it with whatever they wanted. Language is an agreement, a social contract. This felt like a violation.

Changing the word doesn’t change the thing it describes. It only creates a wider gulf between rhetoric and reality. Using the Italian word for large (grande) doesn’t make a cup any bigger. And calling another one a “venti” doesn’t make it anything but the largest of the three drinks on the menu. By historical standards, they all contain large amounts of coffee. But we are not ordering historically. We are ordering comparatively.

You can read the rest of this article in the January 2016 Edition of the Rotarian. 

Club Meetings Unless otherwise noted, all club meetings are Tuesday, 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. at La Valencia Hotel, 1132 Prospect St., La Jolla (Map)  Check out the Upcoming Guest Speakers on the Club Calendar

  • Bill Burch: Friday, January 22 at 7:00 a.m. is a joint meeting of the three La Jolla Rotary Clubs at the Braille Institute.
  • On February 9 in the evening is a District Meeting at the Stone Brewery in Point Loma.
  • Craig Schniepp: Chairing RYLA for our club this year: Taking signups for reviewing applications, for interviewing selected applicants and for actually attending RYLA.
  • Russell King: The La Jolla Cove Pavilion Project, for which our club donated $5,000 to fund the conceptual design, is currently being managed by the City project manager and Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation. It is hoped that the construction will begin by March, 2017.


Next Week:

The Four-Way Speech Contest – be there to hear the creative student efforts!

Mail Attachment

RI President K.R. Ravindran and Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Ray Klinginsmith have announced a series of Presidential Conferences in the first quarter of calendar 2016 that will highlight Rotary’s areas of focus. Between January and March 2016, five conferences will be held around the world.

The first of thee Presidential Conferences is The Rotary World Peace Conference 2016.  It will be held in Ontario, CA. on January 15 – 16, 2016.  It is the only Presidential Conference that will be held in the Americas.

Now is the time to make your reservation for this conference.  Because it is scheduled to precede the International Assembly that brings District Governor elects to San Diego for mandatory training, this conference will have visitors from around the world.  If you have never been to an international meeting, this is your chance to participate in an international event without having to cross any borders.  This conference is being sponsored by the Rotary districts in Southern California.

To view the latest information about the schedule of events as listed in the Peace Conference Newsletter, click this link

To view the invitation from RI President K.R.Ravindran and Ray Klinginsmith, Chair, The Rotary Foundation Trustees, 2015-2016 click on this link.


                      Upcoming Events


  • Click here to visit the district website. 


Rotary Club of La Jolla is one of sixty clubs in the San Diego area’s Rotary District 5340 and one of the 34,000 clubs that make up our parent organization,

Published weekly by Rotary Club of La Jolla Visit our club website: Friend us on Facebook Questions/Issues/Feedback: Contributors: Lora Fisher, Diane Salisbury, David Shaw, Patrick StoufferEditor: Susan Farrell



To receive Surf Beat each week, click the “subscribe” button above.Looking for a past issue?  Surf Beat Archive has all online editions since July 2013.Submissions to Surf Beat are welcome and appreciated.* * * *  Subscribe

Guest Speaker: February 16th, 2016: Faye Girsh: End of Life Options

faye_girsh_smCalifornia is now the 5th state to permit doctors to help their patients die. This is a great victory for end-of-life choice but implementing this law is complicated. It is important to know how to empower yourself for a peaceful death.

Faye Girsh is founder and president of the Hemlock Society of San Diego, now in its 28th year. She was also president of Hemlock USA before it merged, was President of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies, a founder and Advisory Board member of the Final Exit Network, and a Board Member of ERGO (Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization.) She practiced as a clinical and forensic psychologist in San Diego for 18 years.

Guest Speaker: June 21st, 2016: Emily Little


I am a fourth-year student in the developmental psychology PhD program at UCSD, where I research infant-caregiver interaction from a global perspective. I am interested in how culturally-mediated parenting practices shape early development, with a specific interest in the tactile communication that occurs during breastfeeding and babywearing. I have done fieldwork in Vanuatu, Bolivia, and Guatemala…cross-cultural research being the most recent chapter in my long love affair with international travel. I am interested in using research to design and improve effective maternal-infant health programs in vulnerable communities around the world.

Guatemala Mamas: Combating maternal and infant mortality in rural Guatemala

The Guatemala Mamas project was started by PhD student Emily Little to raise awareness and funding for basic health services and education for the indigenous women of rural Guatemala. She is combining her research on culture and parenting with local nonprofit Project Concern International’s existing maternal health program, “Casa Materna,” to work toward decreasing the high rate of maternal and infant mortality in the Huehuetenango province of Guatemala.

Surf Beat: January 12th, 2016


Surf Beat LogoJanuary 12th, 2016

 A Few Highlights from our Club Meeting:


  • Welcome and Introductions: President Lora Fisher welcomed us with her familiar refrain: “It’s lunch time on Tuesday, and there’s no better place to be than La Jolla Rotary! It is our 26th Rotary meeting and as President I have 24 more until we wrap up our 2015/2016 Rotary year.”
  • Invocation: Burton Housman – “Lord. Merciful God, in these few moments as our diverse lives touch in a fellowship that circles the world, we ask Thee to deliver us from dream-like lives divorced from reality. Forge in us a faith that fits life itself, where sometimes: Truth is wounded; Loving hurts; Justice offends; Appearances deceive; Victories vanish; Permanency is illusion; and Transiency endures – yet Thy sovereignty is certain, Thy steadfastness sure. Amen
  • Pledge: Susan Stevens
  • Song: David Shaw: In appreciation of the return of the sunshine and a temporary reprieve from El Nino: A rousing chorus of “You Are My Sunshine”.
RCLJ’s intrepid reporter David Shaw chronicling the meeting.


The Club Welcomed…

  • Duane Palmer, guest of John Todd
  • Dorit Yates, guest of John Trifiletti
  • John Donaldson and Susan Rutan, guests of Pat Stouffer
Kevin Quinn introduces guest Laura Luxemberg
  • Laura Luxemburg, guest of Kevin Quinn – who shared with us the creation of her Ugandan nonprofit which obtains medical supplies and equipment discarded by hospitals in this country and donates them to institutions (such as orphanages) in Mexico. She was responsible for obtaining three pediatric wheelchairs for the Three Kings Day Celebration described below by Cindy Greatrex.

Guest Rotarians:

  • Maureen Roukane – Rancho Bernardo Rotary
  • Judy Nelson, Temecula Rotary (interested in transferring to our club)
  • Steve Brown – La Jolla Golden Triangle
  • Rick Ladt, Rotarian from Kentucky
Rick Ladt, visiting Rotarian from Kentucky
Rick Ladt, visiting Rotarian from Kentucky

 Happy Bucks:

  • Chuck Marsh
  • Burton Housman – who announced that at 2 pm on Monday, January 18th, at 6th and Laurel in Hillcrest a gathering in solidarity with Muslim women will be held, supported by the League of Women Voters and the Islamic Center of San Diego;
  • Laurnie Durisoe thanked Ellen Kardashian and Nancy Gardner for helping her secure a major construction loan for her Pantai Hotel.

Club/Committee/Event Announcements:

  • Bill Burch – Announcement on joint meeting of all La Jolla Rotary Clubs on Friday, January 22nd at Braille Institute; contact Bill if you’re planning to attend.
  • Will Creekmur – Rotary International Foundation – matching points available at a 3:1 level because of matching donations by RI and by the Gates Foundation
Mark Christopher
Mark Christopher
  • Mark Christopher – Requesting volunteers for Vocational Services
  • Cindy Greatrex – Day of the Kings – at El Trompo – more than 200 guests attended, including special needs children from 11 Tijuana area special-needs homes. The Tijuana Rotary members gave a tour of the new Community Center under construction and hosted RCLJ members to a wonderful lunch.
  • Pat Stouffer – Haiti update. Attendees gathering at Susan Stevens home on Wednesday, January 13th.
Ted Rutter
  • Ted Rutter announced (again) the 25th Tijuana Homebuild and reported that Claude Rosinsky had made a VERY GENEROUS donation to cover the entire cost of the 26th Homebuild!   Thank you, Claude!




La Jolla Joint Club Meeting – Friday, January 22nd

Bill Burch discussing the upcoming joint meeting
Bill Burch discussing the upcoming joint meeting

Click Here to email Bill Burch for more Information 

Dia De Reyes – With the Rotario Tijuana

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Happy, Happy Announcements

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Welcome to new future Rotarian Preston James Moffat, who joined parents Deb and Jonathan Moffat at a respectable 10lbs. 6oz.   Jonathan reports that both mommy and baby are doing just fine, and we wish the same for dad Jonathan.



Jeanne Cherbeneau, a Carl Demaio fan, listens intently.

Former City Councilman and Mayoral Candidate, and current talk-show host Carl DeMaio was introduced by President-elect Ken King. Carl was invited by now-retired talk-show host of KOGO AM Radio, Roger Hedgecock to take over his show in April, 2015. DeMaio spoke to four issues which he features on his show, and which he believes San Diegans are interested in: 1. Freedom, including freedom of speech and freedom to make offensive speech. He joked that perhaps the most interesting thing that Caitlin (formerly Bruce) Jenner said in her interview with Diane Sawyer was that she is a Republican! 2. Fairness – arguing that media bias on either side is fundamentally unfair; for example painting Muslims with a broad brush as all being interested in destruction. 3 Fiscal responsibility, including, in his view, the inappropriately high pensions paid to retired city workers at many times their working salary. 4. Prosperity, including the principle that small-business owners have the right to succeed and not be bound by city contracts that are only awarded to large, unionized construction firms.

With regard to the principle that citizens have the right to modify legislation that they don’t favor, or to enact through the proposition process, new legislation, he mentioned that the City Council this very morning had upheld the principles of Proposition B. That measure called for a shift of new (non- police) hires from the city’s debt-ridden pension system to a 401(k)-style plan. It was a major part of efforts by city leaders to restructure municipal finances. The City Council, in unanimous action today, voted to appeal a recent state Public Employment Relations Board order which ruled the City of San Diego must rescind that voter-approved pension reform measure and once again offer pensions to city employees.

Mr. DeMaio then took questions from the audience.

 Where in The World?

Where In The World is this Rotarian and who is he or she? Be the first to indentify your fellow Rotarian and the location to win.  Please send your answer to


Please keep the photos coming, even if they are only from your own backyard!

If you have an interesting travel photo of yourself in a recognizable destination you would like to submit for the game please send it to: Photos do not have to be recent, older pictures are welcome!  All submissions will be considered, international and domestic! May the best globetrotter win!


Plenty of Rotarians took up the Where In The World challenge last week.  Cindy Goodman, John Hoss, Cal Mann and Pat Stouffer all correctly guessed Dave Weston in Hawaii. So I suppose they should all be counted as winners for the correct state and person, but I was hoping for a precise location.  I thought the islands in the background would give the Lanikai, Oahu location away.  The little islands are called  the Mokuluas, or “the Mokes” by the locals.

Please keep the photographs coming, recent or not, in far distance places or not . . . La Jolla Rotarians go to interesting places and do interesting things, and it is fun (and sometimes challenging) for us to keep up with each other’s doings.

In The News! 

Proud to have Rotary as well as The Salvation Army on the list of top 10 charities.

The Top 10 Charities Changing the World in 2015

Check Out this Weeks News Bits. Click the Logo Below


From The Pages of:


January 2016 Edition


Rochester Club Camps It Up for Kids with Disabilities

Peter Sarratori couldn’t sleep. He had treehouses on his mind. After watching a television documentary about Paul Newman that featured the late actor-entrepreneur’s Hole in the Wall Gang Camp for children with cancer and other serious illnesses, he spent an entire night in August 2012 thinking about the camp’s 30-foot-high hideaway amid the branches. Sarratori pondered the thought of 2,500 children with special needs served by his Rotary club experiencing the feeling of being “up in the trees.”

For two decades, Sarratori has been deeply involved in a camp owned and operated by the Rotary Club of Rochester, N.Y. The 157-acre Sunshine Campus has served children with disabilities for 93 years. In partnership with 17 other Rotary clubs in District 7120 (New York) and seven other agencies, the camp is a place where kids get to be kids, free of charge. With no disability too formidable, it’s staffed by nurses who deal with all kinds of medical requirements. Facilities specially adapted for swimming, miniature golf, boating, and fishing complement amenities du jour like a zip line and a splash pad with tipping buckets and gushing fountains that drench and thrill children in wheelchairs on the hottest days. A sensory building for children with autism highlights the Sunshine Campus’ desire to keep current. The camp lives up to its motto: “Where kids have no barriers to fun.”

You can read the rest of this article in the January 2016 Edition of the Rotarian. 

Club Meetings Unless otherwise noted, all club meetings are Tuesday, 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. at La Valencia Hotel, 1132 Prospect St., La Jolla (Map)  Check out the Upcoming Guest Speakers on the Club Calendar

Joint meeting of all La Jolla Rotary Clubs on January 22 at The Braille Institute at 7 a.m.

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RI President K.R. Ravindran and Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Ray Klinginsmith have announced a series of Presidential Conferences in the first quarter of calendar 2016 that will highlight Rotary’s areas of focus. Between January and March 2016, five conferences will be held around the world.

The first of thee Presidential Conferences is The Rotary World Peace Conference 2016.  It will be held in Ontario, CA. on January 15 – 16, 2016.  It is the only Presidential Conference that will be held in the Americas.

Now is the time to make your reservation for this conference.  Because it is scheduled to precede the International Assembly that brings District Governor elects to San Diego for mandatory training, this conference will have visitors from around the world.  If you have never been to an international meeting, this is your chance to participate in an international event without having to cross any borders.  This conference is being sponsored by the Rotary districts in Southern California.

To view the latest information about the schedule of events as listed in the Peace Conference Newsletter, click this link

To view the invitation from RI President K.R.Ravindran and Ray Klinginsmith, Chair, The Rotary Foundation Trustees, 2015-2016 click on this link.


                      Upcoming Events

  • Click here to visit the district website. 


Rotary Club of La Jolla is one of sixty clubs in the San Diego area’s Rotary District 5340 and one of the 34,000 clubs that make up our parent organization,

Published weekly by Rotary Club of La Jolla Visit our club website: Friend us on Facebook Questions/Issues/Feedback: Contributors: Lora Fisher, Diane Salisbury, David Shaw, Patrick StoufferEditor: Susan Farrell



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