Surf Beat: December 8th, 2015


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 December 8th, 2015


Nellsen Young, guest of Laurnie Durisoe, with President Lora Fisher. Nellsen grew up in Malaysia and Singapore, and then lived in Indonesia. He has lived in the U.S. for about 10 years and has served in the U.S. Army. Larnie met him at the USO Thanksgiving party. He was accompanied by Adhe Mul Hasson. Both are living in Los Angeles.

 A Few Highlights from our Club Meeting:


  • Welcome and Introductions: President Lora Fisher welcomed members and guests, and noted that time is flying, with this the first of only two meetings left until the end of the year.
  • Invocation: Cindy Greatrex
  • Pledge: Pat Stouffer
  • Song: Sally Fuller and Ron Spellman led a spirited “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” which, it was duly noted, the assembled made it all the way through!


President Lora Fisher and Fellow Club Members Welcomed:

  • Nellsen Young and Adhe Mul Hassan, guests of Laurnie Durisoe.
  • Emily Little, PhD candidate in developmental psychology, specializing in relationships between young children and their parents, guest of Cal Mann.
Cal Mann and guest Emily Little with President-Elect Ken King.

Happy Bucks:

Bob Schroeder
  • Bob Schroeder gave $500 in honor of his mother, who died last week at 102 years of age! He remembered her for her support of the family and her participation in World War II.
  • Lee Vida gave a support in honor of his fund for medical students with serious financial need, and asked others to join in.
  • Sally Fuller honored Claire Reiss for her participation in and honor as ‘most elegant ‘in Dancing with the Stars.
  • Jane Reldan honored Chanukah and explained the significance of the holiday: the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem, the defeat of Antiochus by the Maccabees, and the miracle of the holy light that was only expected to last for one night, but lasted for eight!
  • David Brockett noted that USC beat UCLA and collected his bet with Craig Schniepp.
  • Claire Reiss was happy to Dance With the Stars, and happily donated.


  • Our own Cindy Goodman is the District 5340 representative for Rotary Fellowshiops.  She describes the fun and fellowship that happen in Rotary Fellowships that range from bird watching to yachting.  She and her husband belong to Cruising Rotarians and Travel and Hosting.  Officially at least 3 countries must be involved in order to establish a fellowship.    There are fellowships that are themed around recreation, hobbies, sports, vacations, Rotary history and culture as well as professional groups, such as lawyers and doctors.  To learn more, or to sign up, go to  Cindy would be happy to answer questions:
  • Gwyn Jones – reminded Rotarians that the Salvation Army is continuing toy sorting this weekend, and thanked those volunteers who turned out last weekend. He noted there are still slots for “ding-a-lings,” who wish to assist in upcoming Bell Ringing at Von’s on the 19th. So far our club is the leader in donations, and Gwyn has a generous donor who will match what our “ding-a-lings” raise up to $1500. Slots are still open, see Gwyn.
  • Kevin Quinn – League House –Holiday Party and sing-along is Thursday, December 11, a great way to get into the Christmas spirit, and improve your caroling skills,
  • Holiday Party – Thank you Ellen Kardashian and team for a great event. For the first time, under Ellen, Auction items will be available to bid on until Tuesday, December 15th, to be fair to all who were unable to be at the Holiday Party. Ellen has already agreed to chair next year’s party, thanks, Ellen!
  • Upcoming TJ event – El Dia de Reyes’ (Three Kings Day), hosted by Rotary Club of Tijuana, this holiday represents the height of the Christmas season, Saturday, January 9th It’s a wonderful day for some 350-400 youngsters coping with conditions ranging from autism and Down Syndrome to auditory and visual disabilities to get together and enjoy breakfast, games, a petting zoo and play in an interactive museum. They are also given gifts to take home, including toys and blankets. La Jolla Rotary members are invited to take part and drivers are needed! See Cindy Greatrex is you want to participate, or drive.
  • Our annual Joint La Jolla Rotary meeting with Golden Triangle Club, La Jolla breakfast, La Jolla Coastal and Torrey Pines will be Friday, January 22nd at the Marriott at 7:00 a.m. to hear the Rotary International President Elect.
  • Pat Stouffer – Haiti update. Approximately 14 Rotarians will be going to Haiti from March 1 to 6, 2016, to help build a 600-chicken coop for a sustainable food source. David Brockett will offer dental work to Haitians at that time.  The project was recently featured in the La Jolla Light. Click link to article:
  • Craig Schneipp– reported that Rotarian Nigel Mallet, who is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, had an adverse reaction to the chemotherapy, requiring emergent surgery. He is doing better, is in good spirits, and is going home. He enjoys calls and cards too! We are sending him good wishes.
  • Sue Ball– The new La Jolla YMCA Firehouse is nearing completion, and is scheduled for a grand opening on Wednesday, December 9th. The nearing of its goal of $15,000,000, and contributions are welcomed to help it achieve its final goal.


  • Chuck Dick– Nominations for officers 2016/2017-  The final list of board members and officers for the 2016/2017 was read. A Motion to approve the slate unanimously and by acclamation was made, seconded and passed.



Rotarians again put Service Above Self last Saturday and turned out to show Gwyn Jones how it’s done. Toting boxes of canned goods and lifting bales of baby blankets, Rotarians ho-ho-hoed their way through sorting and stacking at the Salvation Army’s Clairemont facility to help staff ready family Christmas packages.  Among the do-gooders were Carla and Chuck March, Cindy Goodman, Ted Rutter, Susan Farrell and her husband Ned Krumrey,  and   Eileen Jolly. Each recipient family has been pre-screened (also with the help of Rotarians) and gift packages are custom-designed with each child in mind.  Gwyn’s wife, Major Ann, says this weekend will be a real scene, as more than 300 individual gift packages will be readied for pickup by families.

photo 2
Camille McKinnie knows her chocolate.
photo 5
Ted Rutter had a dolly of his own, but it wasn’t playtime.
photo 4
Susan Farrell made sure he had plenty of product to arrange.
photo 3
Bag-sorter-in-chief Ned Krumrey became an instant expert on baby “onesies”
Eileen Jolly shows of her Skippy sorting skills.


Speaker: Patricia Peterson

Patricia Peterson from SOHO (Save our Heritage Organization), and a long-time Docent at The Whaley House in Old Town, gave the fascinating history of the Whaley House. It seems that the house, which was built in 1866, was built on the site of the former County gallows, where the County used to execute criminals. The last execution in 1857 was Yankee Jim, a desperado who stole multiple horses, and ultimately a rowboat in attempting to escape from justice. His grave is still visible in El Campo Santo Cemetery. Whaley House was built by a successful merchant, many of whose family members died at Whaley House. The house is famous as being haunted by ghosts, and many paranormal phenomena have been observed to occur there, a number of which were shared by Ms. Peterson.

 In Other News:


Past President Bill Burch has found a unique – if not terribly satisfactory – way to get out of running errands. Bill took a spill on his bike last weekend, as he was heading home from the hardware store. As he was carrying a bag, and riding with one hand, Bill hit a divot in the road and took a tumble. He broke his clavicle into three pieces, forming the letter Z. He’s scheduled for surgery on Saturday, and is currently resting comfortably at home, with the help of a few pain killers. Please send him your well wishes and healing thoughts and prayers.

Where in The World?


Where In The World is this Rotarian and who is he or she? Be the first to indentify your fellow Rotarian and the location to win.  Please send your answer to


The best guess for last weeks contest was by Bill Burch who correctly identified Reesey and David Shaw, but on the wrong continent.  The correct location wasn’t anywhere in the USA, but Cappadocia, Turkey. Thanks for playing Bill!

Please keep the photos coming, even if they are only from your own backyard!

If you have an interesting travel photo of yourself in a recognizable destination you would like to submit for the game please send it to: Photos do not have to be recent, older pictures are welcome!  All submissions will be considered, international and domestic! May the best globetrotter win!

Please keep the photographs coming, recent or not, in far distance places or not . . . La Jolla Rotarians go to interesting places and do interesting things, and it is fun (and sometimes challenging) for us to keep up with each other’s doings.

News from our Sister Club Across The Ocean:

The Sasebo Rotary Club prepares to celebrate its 65th anniversary next year.  President Zenya Tanakamaru has extended a warm invitation to any and all members of La Jolla Rotary who might be able to attend the ceremony.

It’s set for:
Sunday, February 21st, 2016.
Time is 5:00 pm.
Location is the Sasebo Tamayo Department Store,
7th Floor, Bunka Hall,
2-1  Sakae-machi
Sasebo 857-8588

President Lora will be sending our club’s heartfelt congratulations to our fellow Rotarians in Sasebo.

Here’s a Way to Make the Holiday Spirit Last into the New Year :

Dia de Reyes, or Wise Man Day. For more than a dozen years, our fellow Rotarians in the Tijuana Club have been sponsoring this event for special needs children.
It’s a wonderful day for some 350-400 youngsters coping with conditions ranging from autism and Down Syndrome to auditory and visual disabilities to get together and enjoy breakfast,  games, a petting zoo and play in an interactive museum.  They are also given gifts to take home, including toys and blankets.
Rotary Club of La Jolla has been invited to help with the project, both with donations of toys and money, and in person.
The event is set for Saturday, January 9th, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Once we have a head count of how many are interested in attending, we will arrange car pooling.

For more information, contact Cindy Greatrex at 858.922.0263 or by email at

Check out the Dia de Reyes Video at Youtube:



 From The Pages of:


December 2015 Edition


Culture: Off the Cuff

When I was in high school, public speaking was not considered glamorous. It was a required course relished only by people who also approached debate as a sport or who were thrilled by the prospect of student government.

The rest of us dutifully stood at the front of the class, reading rushed words off index cards, trying to picture our classmates in their underwear, but feeling naked instead. When it was over, we were glad we would never have to do that again.

Life, however, has a funny way of making you regret much of what you did – and didn’t do – in high school. Some years later, as a writer, I found myself giving readings and talks. I realized I would actually have to know how to stand up in front of (fully clothed) people and give a speech.

Being a decent writer doesn’t make you a decent speaker, and I quickly discovered that public speaking wasn’t something I could wing. As my high school teacher tried to tell us, it’s a skill that must be acquired.

I started looking around for help and found an organization formed by people in my shoes. We met weekly. Everybody stood up and spoke. We had to give a succession of speeches, which was hard at first. I gave a speech introducing myself, then went on to give others about things like Googling myself and the Dunning-Kruger effect. (Look it up.) People laughed and seemed to enjoy them, so I relaxed and gradually improved.

Continue Reading Here

Club Meetings Unless otherwise noted, all club meetings are Tuesday, 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. at La Valencia Hotel, 1132 Prospect St., La Jolla (Map)  Check out the Upcoming Guest Speakers on the Club Calendar!

Mail Attachment

RI President K.R. Ravindran and Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair Ray Klinginsmith have announced a series of Presidential Conferences in the first quarter of calendar 2016 that will highlight Rotary’s areas of focus. Between January and March 2016, five conferences will be held around the world.
The first of thee Presidential Conferences is The Rotary World Peace Conference 2016.  It will be held in Ontario, CA. on January 15 – 16, 2016.  It is the only Presidential Conference that will be held in the Americas.  
Now is the time to make your reservation for this conference.  Because it is scheduled to precede the International Assembly that brings District Governor elects to San Diego for mandatory training, this conference will have visitors from around the world.  If you have never been to an international meeting, this is your chance to participate in an international event without having to cross any borders.  This conference is being sponsored by the Rotary districts in Southern California. 
To view the latest information about the schedule of events as listed in the Peace Conference Newsletter, click this link
To view the invitation from RI President K.R.Ravindran and Ray Klinginsmith, Chair, The Rotary Foundation Trustees, 2015-2016 click on this link.


                      Upcoming Events



Published weekly by Rotary Club of La Jolla Visit our club website: Friend us on Facebook Questions/Issues/Feedback: Contributors: Lora Fisher, Diane Salisbury, David Shaw, Patrick StoufferEditor: Susan Farrell
To receive Surf Beat each week, click the “subscribe” button above.Looking for a past issue?  Surf Beat Archive has all online editions since July 2013.Submissions to Surf Beat are welcome and appreciated.* * * *
email to John Trifiletti
Rotary Club of La Jolla is one of sixty clubs in the San Diego area’s Rotary District 5340 and one of the 34,000 clubs that make up our parent organization,