Surf Beat: September 29th, 2015



 September 29th, 2015



 A Few Highlights from our Club Meeting:


  • Welcome and Introductions: President Lora Fisher called to order the 3,325th meeting of the Rotary Club of La Jolla, and the 13th of our Rotary year.
  • Invocation: Mike Sedloff provided a thoughtful invocation
  • Pledge: Craig Schniepp led a spirited Pledge
  • Song: Ron Spelman was recruited by President Lora to do the song, and when she noted that Ron had just celebrated a birthday, we all sang him “Happy Birthday”.  Exactly which birthday remains a secret.


President Lora Fisher and Fellow Club Members Welcomed:

  • President Lora introduced returning visitor, Wade Aschbrenner.
  • Bob Pecora introduced his new associate, Brian Cline, who also happens to be his cousin. Bob proclaimed “Brian got his good looks from Bob’s side of the family”. Reporter’s note; Brian got luckier than Bob.
  • Jane Reldan also brought her medical student, Evelyn Nelson, who has graced us with her presence several times.


President’s Time 

President Lora once again hosted the game show, “What’s My Line”, inviting John Trifiletti, Bill Burch, and Pat Stouffer to come forward and participate.

One participant exhibited such incredible intelligence as a child that he was immediately promoted to 1st grade, bypassing kindergarten. Another won a belt buckle for riding a bull as a young man, and the third played volleyball with Ozzie Nelson at age seven.

Mark Christopher was asked to interview the three candidates and match the deeds with the doers.

His guesses: John played volleyball with Ozzie Nelson, Pat rode the bull, and Bill skipped kindergarten. He got one out of three, correctly guessing John, but failed to appreciate and recognize Pat’s early intellectual powers, and Bill’s rodeo/cowboy background.

Happy Bucks:

  • Mike and Janice Sedloff celebrated the wedding of their daughter in Hawaii on September 6th. Fortunately, all the hurricanes that were threatening missed the island.


  • Claire Reiss was afforded the opportunity to contribute to the club for having her photo in the La Jolla Light, featuring her at an event at the Athenaeum.
  • Mark Christopher donated $20.00 for is using John Hoss’s Padres tickets for tonight’s game.
  • Claude Rosinsky is leaving for Rome.
  • Don Lincoln,recently returned from London on a theatre tour, is now preparing to leave for Sydney. He is apparently taking his position as International Committee Chair very seriously. It is a grueling position, but he seems to be holding up well.


  • Gwyn Jones, announced the Salvation Army “Changed by the Bell” Kettle Kick Off Benefit, November 20, 5 to 6:30 PM. It will be held at the Trellis Garden Grille, Town and Country Resort. Actor Corbin Bernsen is the special guest speaker. Tree lighting at Fashion Valley Mall to follow. More details Call Major Gwyn Jones 303 552 7278.


Mark Christopher, Lora Fisher, Cal Mann, Ken King, Bill Burch, Will Burch, Heidi Creekmur, Cindy Goodman and our fearless Rotary International Foundation Leader, Will Creekmur

  • Will Creekmur hosted our “Strike Out Polio” event last Saturday at Kearny Mesa Bowl, with a District goal of raising $1500.00 for polio eradication.   He actually raised $4231.00, CONGRATULATIONS WILL, job well done, and a good time was had by all. President Lora noted that some bowlers did well, while others not so well but it was a fun time with fellow club members. Cal Mann made an appearance and showed off his bowling skills. Rotary International is matching any donations, which count toward Paul Harris recognition, and it’s not too late to take advantage of this offer. Contact Will Creekmur for more details. Will may be reached at or at 808-681-9918. You can check out more photos below!
  • Jonathan Moffatt is conducting LEAD interviews with Muirlands and Bishop’s 8th grade students on Wednesday and/ or Thursday Oct. 7/8 during the morning and noon hours, and is looking for volunteers. Contact Jonathan if interested at
  • President Lora will be convening the Nominating Committee consisting of all Past Presidents on Tuesday, October 6, 11a.m. on the patio at the La Valencia Hotel. It’s time to complete the selections for next year’s board.
  • John Trifiletti announced the “Fireside Chat” for new members, a Red Badge requirement, which will be held at the home of Orrin and Karen Gabsch on October 13, 7p.m.


  • “Our own Davis Cracroft was featured on the PBS News Hour this week discussing the impact of Medicaid expansion and the strains to California’s health care system.  Unlike Davis’ past excuses for missing lunch at the La V, this shows him actually doing something related to medicine. Rotarians look forward to giving him proper recognition for his great work and being on national television!  Check out the interview here!



Speaker: Cindy Stankowsky

Speaker Cindy Stankowsky, from the San Diego Archaeological Center in Escondido, was introduced by Ken King.   She told the story of Madame Katherine Tingley, proponent of Theosophy, who founded Lomaland on Point Loma in the early 20th century. Stankowsky said Theosophy grew out of peoples’ interest in spiritualism and the occult. By 1917 there were 500 residents at Lomaland, 250 of whom were children, all housed separately from their parents.   Mr. Albert Spalding, he of the sporting goods company, was a resident and big financial supporter, until the Depression struck. By 1941 the population of Lomaland had dwindled to 170, and the property was foreclosed on. The Theosophical Society is now headquartered in Pasadena, with about 40,000 members worldwide. Other notable members of the Theosophical Society have included Thomas Edison, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, L. Frank Baum of Wizard of Oz fame, and the King himself, Elvis.


Lomaland is now the site of Point Loma Nazarene University, and Albert Spalding’s original home (pictured above) is now Mieras Hall, the campus administration building.

Stankowsky, an archaeologist, says she has recovered many artifacts at the site. Interesting note: before becoming involved in archaeology, Stankowsky was a San Diego City Paramedic.



Where in the World? 


Where In The World is this Rotarian and who is he or she? Be the first to indentify your fellow Rotarian and the location to win.  Please send your answer to

If you have an interesting travel photo of yourself in a recognizable destination you would like to submit for the game please send it to: Photos do not have to be recent, older pictures are welcome!  All submissions will be considered, international and domestic!

May the best globetrotter win!


The answer to last week’s contest is David Shaw (joined by his beautiful wife Reesey) in Borobudur, Central Java, Indonesia. Bill Burch was the first of many to correctly identify David as the Rotarian in the photograph, but no one guessed the right location (c’mon Rotarians, we’ve all visited Borobudur at one time or another).

Please keep the photographs coming, recent or not, in far distance places or not . . . La Jolla Rotarians go to interesting places and do interesting things, and it is fun (and sometimes challenging) for us to keep up with each other’s doings.

Strike Out Polio!

Attendees: Mark Christopher, Lora Fisher, Cal Mann, Ken King, Bill Burch, Will Burch, Heidi Creekmur, Cindy Goodman and our fearless Rotary International Foundation Leader, Will Creekmur











Wanted:  Club photographers for Surf Beat!

If you have a smartphone and have an opportunity to get a great shot at a meeting, please do so and forward photos to

 From The Pages of: 


September 2015 Edition


Why Mentors Matter

We Americans like to think of ourselves as “rugged individualists” – in the image of the lone cowboy riding toward the setting sun, opening the frontier. But at least as accurate a symbol of our national story is the wagon train, with its mutual aid among a community of pioneers. Throughout our history, a pendulum has slowly swung between the poles of individualism and community, both in our public philosophy and in our daily lives. In the past half century we have witnessed, for better or worse, a giant swing toward the individualist pole in our culture, society, and politics. At the same time, researchers have steadily piled up evidence of how important social context, social institutions, and social networks – in short, our communities – remain for our well-being and our kids’ opportunities.

Social scientists often use the term social capital to describe social connectedness – that is, informal ties to family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances; involvement in civic associations, religious institutions, athletic teams, volunteer activities; and so on. Social capital has repeatedly been shown to be a strong predictor of well-being both for individuals and for communities. Community bonds and social networks have powerful effects on health, happiness, educational success, economic success, public safety, and (especially) child welfare. However, like financial capital and human capital, social capital is distributed unevenly, and differences in social connections contribute to the youth opportunity gap.

Read More in the September 2015 Edition or Click Here 

Club Meetings Unless otherwise noted, all club meetings are Tuesday, 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. at La Valencia Hotel, 1132 Prospect St., La Jolla (Map)  Check out the Upcoming Guest Speakers on the Club Calendar!


If you are interested in attending, please contact Bill Burch. You can register for the event here.

Mail Attachment

USO San Diego’s 5th Annual Golf Classic
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 – The Crosby National Golf Club

For more information contact Laurnie Durisoe 


                      Upcoming Events

Click here to visit the district website. 

To receive Surf Beat each week, click the “subscribe” button above.Looking for a past issue?  Surf Beat Archive has all online editions since July 2013.Submissions to Surf Beat are welcome and appreciated.* * * *
email to John Trifiletti
Rotary Club of La Jolla is one of sixty clubs in the San Diego area’s Rotary District 5340 and one of the 34,000 clubs that make up our parent organization, <a title="Rotary International" href="