Surf Beat: July 14th, 2015 Edition


July 14th, 2015

Who am I threesome (1)
In keeping with her goal to make Rotary the “best place you could be” on Tuesdays at noon, President Lora Fisher started the proceedings with a dash of fun – a guessing game that had club members try to match a unique achievement or experience to each of three Rotarians. From left: Ed Mracek (skied the same downhill run as Olympian Gold Medalist Franz Klammer in Innsbruck, Austria), District Governor Janice Kurth (hiked the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim in one day), and Mark Christopher (swam with dozens of sharks and a 55-foot whale). Who knew!
A Few Highlights from our Club Meeting: 
Welcome and Introductions: President Lora Fisher
Invocation: Bob Teaff
Pledge: David Shaw
Song: Sally Fuller led the members in “America the Beautiful.” Coincidentally, Bob Teaff’s invocation focused on passages from this same song.


  • Rotary “angel” Mari Pullen, Assistant District Governor, was visiting from San Diego Coastal Rotary.
  • Matt Kurth attended with his spouse and guest speaker Janice Kurth, 5340 District Governor 2015/16.
  • Attorney David Lee, was a guest of Jonathan Moffet.
  • Pat Hodgkin, a visiting Rotarian, was a guest of Bob Teaff.
  • Eileen Jolly, a Business Insurance Specialist, was the guest of Ted Rutter.
  • Kevin Quinn reminded members that the League House Picnic is Sunday, July 19 at 4:00pm. This year’s theme: “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” All are invited and a sign-up sheet was distributed to round-up last-minute rsvps. Check Out the Flyer Below.
  • Diane Salisbury, newly-recruited club reporter, asked for two volunteers to help cover meeting news for SurfBeat. Pat Stouffer and David Shaw agreed to join the reporting team.
  • Bill Burch, the club’s District Ambassador along with Cindy Goodman, announced that this year’s District event will be a wine dinner at Cordiano Winery in Escondido on Tuesday, August 4th at 5:30 pm. The cost is $50 per person. Contact Bill if interested in attending.
  • Will Creekmur announced a bowling fundraiser is in the planning stages: “Strike Out Polio.” The event is planned for September 26. Those interested in bowling for the club should contact Will.


Happy Bucks:

The club made a nice haul in “Happy Bucks”, neatly plucked from wallets by Sargent-at-Arms Pat Stouffer. The happy Rotarians were:

  • Sid Stutz, celebrating Bastille Day and a big birthday
  • Ted Rutter, announcing that he and wife Carol are headed to the South of France for their next anniversary
  • Gwyn Jones, announcing his children’s recent scholastic and artistic awards
  • Deb Plotkin, who in her role at U-Touch, will be traveling to Uganda, England, Baltimore, and New York, visiting Rotary Clubs along the way.

Sally Fuller gets fined.
Caught on the pages of the La Jolla Light, Sally Fuller paid the price of celebrity.
 Speaker Janice Kurth

Janice Kurth, 5340 District Governor of Rotary

Janice’s presentation — titled “What Does Rotary Do?” – began with a recounting of her own Rotary journey, beginning 11 years ago when she was invited by a neighbor to join the Rotary Club of Del Mar. An MD by training, Janice was immediately impressed by Rotary’s worldwide commitment to the eradication of polio. Her service involvement with the Del Mar club began as a mentor to at-risk teens and grew to global dimensions when Janice led a healthcare exchange to Kenya, where she recalls how local Rotarians helped smooth the way. “Rotary makes the whole world our home,” she said, and it “connects people from the heart.” Her most memorable experiences have been about the people she’s met and the relationships she’s formed. “Make Rotary personal to you,” she concluded.In the Q&A that followed, Janice offered these remarks:

  • Challenge ourselves to embody this year’s Rotary theme: Be a Gift to the World.
  • Her vision as District Governor is “to inspire people to be passionate about Rotary,” while making Rotary “fun.”
  • Her goals include raising $100,000 district-wide for Polio Plus and increasing net district membership by 60 new Rotarians by the end of her tenure.

Janice also encouraged support of the Rotary Foundation’s $15 million campaign, Millions for Hope, noting that $14 million has already been raised.

Club MeetingsUnless otherwise noted, all club meetings are Tuesday, 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. at La Valencia Hotel, 1132 Prospect St., La Jolla (Map)  Check out the Upcoming Guest Speakers on the Club Calendar!201507081818Mail Attachment

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!


The remaining “Rotary Padres Nights” for this baseball season are as follows:

Thursday, July 23rd at 7:10 pm vs. the Miami Marlins – Rotary Price is $30.00 for Field Infield Seats (Section 107);
Monday, August 10th at 7:10 pm vs. the Cincinnati Reds – Rotary Price is $30.00 for Field Infield Seats (Section 107); and,
Saturday, September 5th at 5:40 pm vs. the Los Angeles Dodgers – Rotary price is $50.00 for Field Plaza Seats.

Please invite your members to join other Rotarians from District 5340 for an evening of baseball and fellowship.

Part of each purchase will be donated to Rotary’s “End Polio Now” campaign. To place your order for tickets, please reply to Rotarian Kevin Forrester (, or (760) 944-1918, no later than 7 days before the scheduled game day.

To receive Surf Beat each week, click the “subscribe” button above.Looking for a past issue?  Surf Beat Archive has all online editions since July 2013.Submissions to Surf Beat are welcome and appreciated.* * * *
email to John Trifiletti
Rotary Club of La Jolla is one of sixty clubs in the San Diego area’s Rotary District 5340 and one of the 34,000 clubs that make up our parent organization, Rotary InternationalMembership is open to all by invitation. For further information about our club and membership, please contact John Trifiletti by clicking the link below.
email to John Trifiletti
Published weekly by Rotary Club of La Jolla.                                                    Friend Us on Facebook.   Questions/Issues/FeedBack: Contributors: Diane Salisbury,Pat Stouffer and David Shaw                                             Rotary Club of La Jolla 2015
Sent from Rotary Club of La Jolla
7755 Fay Ave. #D, La Jolla CA 92037