Jan. 23, 2015 Speaker: Luis Giay, Rotary International President 1996-97

96-97giayLuis Vicente Giay, born in Arrecifes, Argentina, is a certified public accountant who graduated from the University of Buenos Aires. He owns an accounting firm and is a member of the board of directors of several businesses, including Giay Agropecuaria, S.A., of which he is president and chairman.

Recognizing the impact of Mr. Giay’s extensive travels, the government of Argentina appointed Mr. Giay Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of his country. The Inter-country committee of the nations of Argentina and Chile has honored Mr. Giay with the Condor of Andes Award, presented annually to individuals and institutions which have worked for peaceful relations among nations in the region.

The governments of Italy and the Dominican Republic have granted Mr. Giay their highest honors. He has also received awards from the governments of several other countries and from many civic and professional organizations.

Mr. Giay is a member of the Professional Council of Economic Sciences in the Federal Capital of Buenos Aires and in Buenos Aires province. He is also president of the Public Accountants Association of Bartolom Mitre. In addition, he is a consultant for the Arrecifes Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and is president of the Arrecifes branch of the Argentina Automobile club. He is an active member of a number of charitable and civic organizations. He serves as national advisor to the Argentine Boy Scout Association and assists the Taller Protegido, a local sheltered workshop for the handicapped.

A Rotarian since 1961, he is a member and past president of the Rotary Club of Arrecifes. He has served Rotary International as district governor, Information Institute counselor, International Assembly instructor and moderator, member and chairman of numerous committees, director(1987-89), treasurer(1988-89), aide to the president (1990-91) and Rotary Foundation trustee(1990-93).

In 1989, Mr. Giay was convener of the South American Conference for Development and in 1993 he coordinated the Presidential Salute to Polio Plus, both of which took place in Iguaz Argentina. He was the RI President’s Representative to the 1993 Regional Conference in Uruguay celebrating 75 years of Rotary in South America.

Mr. Giay is a benefactor of The Rotary Foundation and is the recipient of The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service and the Distinguished Service Award for his support of its educational and humanitarian programs.

Mr. Giay is married to Cellia Elena Cruz, writer, composer, journalist and dedicated Rotarian, and they have four sons: Luis Rodolfo, Gustavo, Fernando and Diego. Mr. and Mrs. Giay recently welcomed the arrival of their first granddaughter, born to son Luis Rodolfo and his wife.



Jan. 13, 2015 Speaker: Shaun Briley – La Jolla/ Riford Library Branch- Public service at La Jolla/Riford Library

Shaun and CatherineShaun Briley has seen the book business from all sides: published author, retailer, marketing hack for a publishing company and finally librarian. Briley started his career as a journalist working for a British conglomerate that sent him to the Persian Gulf to cover the war against Saddam Hussein. Later, he wrote a book called ‘How Not to Live Abroad’, about living in Spain, which was likened to ‘Under a Tuscan Sun’ or ‘Year in Provence’ – gone wrong. The experience ultimately drove him to the sunny climes of California where he has finally laid down roots. A resident of La Jolla, he took the post of branch manager on the retirement of former librarian, Catherine Greene.

A preference for service over sales drove the switch to library work. The La Jolla/Riford Library is a classic public service institution, open to all, that aims to create lifelong learning opportunities and foster community connections. Its offerings include literacy and other youth programs as well as career and personal development resources for all ages. The library in La Jolla attracts interesting presenters and is blessed with the biggest collection of books outside of the Central Library downtown. It has a large contribution to make in the cultural life of this community and is often a draw for people throughout San Diego, for instance for its musical concerts, art exhibits and author talks.

Under Briley, the library is very focused on increasing its collaboration with the school district and providing services to attract middle and high school age students. He will talk about how the library is doing and reveal some exciting new initiatives within the community.


Visit Shaun’s Website Here

Jan. 6, 2015 Speaker: Fredrick Clerie – San Diego Rock Church – Hopestart Inernational



I was born in Haiti, “the poorest country in the Western hemisphere”, and I lived there for 16 years. I came to the US to get a college education, intending to return to Haiti and work alongside my dad who was doing church planting work there. Negative political developments forced my dad to leave Haiti, and I decided I would never go back there. I went on to graduate school for a degree in Biochemistry and made a career with large pharmaceutical and biotech companies. After the earthquake that devastated Haiti in January 2010, I heard God’s call to return to Haiti to do humanitarian and missionary work. Since then, with the help of friends at Impact195 and at the Rock Church, we have dug deep water wells, opened an orphanage, a center for abandoned babies and started a feeding program for over 500 malnourished children who go to tuition-free primary schools but are too hungry to learn what they are being taught. With the support of the Rock Church and other organizations, I plan to expand the orphanage, the abandoned baby center, and the feeding program, and to open schools to teach trades as well as leadership and business management skills.


Visit Fredrick’s Website Here