August 26, 2014 Speaker: Chell Roberts, Dean, USD, One Billion & Change

Chell Roberts

Chell RobertsChell A. Roberts, PhD, is the founding dean of the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering at the University of San Diego. He assumed his duties in July of 2013.

Before joining USD, Roberts served as the executive dean of the College of Technology and Innovation at Arizona State University, where he was responsible for designing innovative curricular programs. Roberts’ designs included the iProjects program, recognized by the national Academy of Engineering as one of 29 programs in the United States that are exemplars of authentic engineering practice embedded in a university program. While at Arizona State University, Roberts also had the opportunity to design an engineering program from a clean slate based on the study of best models of undergraduate engineering programs in the world.

Prior to his tenure at USD, Dr. Roberts was active in the development of engineering capacity programs in Vietnam. Working on several grants, he developed and led the Deans Institute for training deans on the development of strategic plans, the use of collaboration techniques, and in the leadership and management of colleges and schools. Roberts further developed training programs on pedagogy and teaching for international engineering faculty.

Roberts has been active in service to the broader engineering education community. He has served on the SEEK 16 National K-12 Framework Committee, the Arizona Department of Education K-12 Standards Committee, and the Arizona State Department of Education Engineering Pathways Committee. He has held positions of leadership on the Board of Directors, Society of Computer Simulation, as the chair of the ASEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Division, as a member of the ASEE ABET Board, and is active as an ABET evaluator.

Dr. Roberts has numerous professional publications and grants in the areas of engineering education, discrete event control languages and architectures, and in accessibility analysis for automated process planning. Chell Roberts received a PhD in Industrial Engineering from Virginia Tech and an MS Industrial Engineering degree and BA Mathematics degree from the University of Utah


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