April 22, 2014 Speaker: Richard Lederer, Author/Columnist/Radio Host, Shakespeare’s 450th Birthday & His Influence On Language

Richard Lederer

Richard LedererRichard Lederer is the author of more than 40 books about language, history, and humor, including his best-selling Anguished English series and his current books, The Gift of Age, A Tribute to Teachers, American Trivia, and Amazing Words. He has been profiled in magazines as diverse as The New Yorker, People, and the National Inquirer and was founding co-host of “A Way With Words” on Public Radio.

Dr. Lederer’s observations on language appear in magazines throughout the United States, and “Lederer on Language” appears each Saturday in the San Diego Union-Tribune. He has been elected International Punster of the Year and Toastmasters International’s Golden Gavel winner. He makes about a hundred appearances a year and, as a speaker, is at home in almost any venue.

Richard Lederer is the proud father of professional poker players Howard Lederer and Annie Duke and poet/memoirist Katy Lederer. Richard and his wife, Simone van Egeren, live in San Diego.

Fifty English Words Made Up by William Shakespeare

            accommodation                                      hurry

            aerial                                                      impartial

            amazement                                             indistinguishable

            apostrophe                                             invulnerable

            assassination                                          lapse

            auspicious                                              laughable

            baseless                                                  lonely

            bedroom                                                 majestic

            bump                                                      misplaced

            castigate                                                 monumental

            clangor                                                   multitudinous

            countless                                                 obscene

            courtship                                                pedant

            critic  (and critical )                                perusal

            dexterously                                             pious

            dishearten                                               premeditated

            dislocate                                                 radiance

            dwindle                                                   reliance

            eventful                                                   road

            exposure                                                 sanctimonious

            fitful                                                        seamy

            frugal                                                      sneak

            generous                                                 sportive

            gloomy                                                   submerge

            gnarled                                                   useless


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