January 14, 2014 Speaker: Concetta Antico, Contemporary Tetrachromist, An Artist With “Super-vision”

Concetta Antico Painting, Fan Of Heaven

Concetta AnticoA native of Sydney, Australia, Concetta K. Antico is a Contemporary tetrachromist who has painted with oils since childhood. She has been a leader in the San Diego art community for over 20 years as artist and instructor.

A well-respected teacher, she has taught oil painting through her Salon of Art Studio to thousands of students of all ages.

As an artist, Concetta has been known for her use of intense color and values. For years, most just thought her use of color was her “style” but come to find out, there is actually a scientific reason. Concetta was recently diagnosed with Tetrachromacy. Tetrachromacy is the condition of possessing four independent channels for conveying color information, or possessing four different types of cone cells in the eye.Concetta Antico Painting, Fan Of Heaven

Human beings with tetrachromacy are called tetrachromats, hence why Concetta is considered to be a Tetrachromat Artist. Most people have three cones in their eye, a color blind person would have two. To have four is incredibly rare, in fact studies show that only 2-3% of the world population is thought to be tetrachromatic. Concetta is currently in a study with researches in several medical centers all over California. Results of the research groups will be released in early 2014.

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