December 10, 2013 Speaker: Rick Itzkowich – “21st Century Networking – a Powerful Way to Get Referrals”

Rick Itzkowich

Rick ItzkowichRick Itzkowich is the President of 501 Connections Inc. He is a genuine people connector. He bridges the two worlds of face-to-face networking and online networking. He understands and practices networking like few others do. Rick speaks to a diverse group of organizations.

Internationally Rick earned the Best Speaker Award at the “You Learn Twit Face” international social media conference held in Dubai. As a successful entrepreneur, Rick creates turnkey products that meet today’s demand for tools to increase your business.

His products include QuoteActions, Link Power Coaching, Rock IT! Referrals and the new YIKES! business networking workshops. He is a Vistage Chair and regular SCORE presenter. Feel free to connect with Rick on LinkedIn.

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