November 20, 2012 Speaker: Georgeanne Irvine, “The Katrina Dolphins…” Story of rescue & relocation of dolphins during Hurricane Katrina

Georgeanne Irvine

Georgeanne IrvineSan Diego native Georgeanne Irvine has devoted more than three decades of her career to raising awareness about animals and wildlife conservation.  By day, she is associate director of communications/development for the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, where she has worked for more than 33 years. In her spare time “George” is the author of more than 20 children’s books plus numerous magazine, newspaper, and Web articles.

Georgeanne Irvine with DolphinGeorge’s most recent work is the coffee table book, “The Katrina Dolphins: One-Way Ticket to Paradise,” which is a true story about 8 dolphins from an oceanarium who were washed out to sea during Hurricane Katrina and dramatically rescued.